
I must be watching a different show called Mr. Robot. I thought this season was doing pretty well.

Reading about some of the dealer experiences out there you would think that electric cars in general and not just Tesla’s are the stuff of Voodoo magic. Dealers will do everything in their power to not sell electric cars. Half of their profit comes from service and maintenance and electric cars just don’t need that

The TV spin off of the Divergent Series should be called the Convergent Series. Math geeks come on!

Or he could be keeping vague on purpose in case someone gets an awesome idea to bring her back.

I always get the feeling the plan was to throw in as many presenters as possible and see what works a the end of the day. Probably by season 3 they’ll be down to three or four presenters.

My theory for season’s 7 & 8 is that there will be a war between Cersei and Daenarys and another war between whoever is left and the Night King. However, it will be the other way around. Cersei, Daenarys and the other Iron Born will build a tenuous truce when Jon Snow(Stark/Targaryen) rides south to warn of the white

I think one of the issues with the reveal of Jon’s lineage is that Rhaegar Targaryen isn’t really brought up enough in the show so of, the people who watch the show, no one really knows who he is. I had to explain to a few people that Rhaegar is Daenarys older brother.

I was and still am a big fan of the both Avatar series. My wife and I binge watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on a regular basis. Voltron: Legendary Defender felt every bit worthy of that legacy. Keith’s character was similar to Sokka from TLA and Hunk felt like Bolin from LOK. Just like the Avatar series Voltron was

Huzzah!! I hate the invisible jet. It just so boring. They had all of science fiction and Greek mythology to mine for inspiration and they came up with an invisible jet.

It was good to see Daenarys back in Mereen but, I felt the whole scene was anticlimactic. They should have shown the dragons actually burning the ships and Daenarys proudly walking up to the pyramid. It needed to be more epic.

As a California native I’m gonna vote for Hawaii. Hawaii is just some of the most beautiful country in all the world.

This is weird. I’m trying real hard to come up with words to describe it. Almost disjoined, lucid, I don’t know. It felt as though it should have made sense even though it didn’t.

I don’t think it’s about spoiling something or not spoiling something but, the question should be asked: what is a spoiler? In the case of The Cabin in the Woods the stuff that happened in the first 5 minutes should not constitute a spoiler. However, Darth Vader being Luke’s father is a total spoiler.

You have to consider how TV affected movie quality especially with the advent of HD, streaming and binge watching. How do shows like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad fit into the zeitgeist? If these stories had been created for the big screen instead of the small(er) screen it surely would have a different impact on this

I don’t know if anyone else asked this question but, how do you get half a cyborg? I thought cyborgs were already half human half machines or 60/40 or some iteration there of.

That just reinforces my point that most “flying car” designs don’t solve the right problem. None of them talk about making a cheep airplane however that might happen. Whether it’s by building an airplane that is inexpensive to assemble or in large enough numbers to reduce cost doesn’t matter. Both lead to the same

My problem with most “flying car” designs is that they are solving the wrong problem. The reason why not everyone owns an airplane is because they are prohibitively expensive. Making an airplane that can fit in a garage and take off from a back yard won’t fix that problem. It might even make it more expensive. The

I remember reading about Ray Park (Darth Maul in Phantom Menace). He always preferred physical roles because he considered himself a martial artist first and an actor second. I’m not sure exactly where Olivia Munn falls on the athlete/actor spectrum but, I’m guessing she’s more athlete than actor and just wanted to do

I don’t think it will be critical failure that ends the MCU. It will be a movie that by all accounts should have succeeded but, just didn’t. That’s when we will know audience fatigue has set in. If a movie that’s just bad doesn’t do well then they can say oh well let’s try again but, if they give it their best and