
I really wish they would give Bruce Timm and Paul Dini a bigger budget to make movies. They know how to treat the source material faithfully. They know how to add to the source material faithfully. These are the people that should be making batman movies. Just drive up a dump truck full of money and get it going.

I saw the Steve Jobs movie. I did enjoy and it is by far the best production of all the movies about him so far I do recommend it if you have the opportunity. However, I still liked Pirates of Silicon Valley so much better.

Everyone talks about commuting as though it’s just from home to work and back. We drive other places too like supermarkets, shops, movie theaters, etc. It’s kinda hard to live right next to work but, at least you can live as close as possible minimizing your exposure to work. Then on top of that you can live closer to

I think a large part of the reason why some actors succeed and others fail comes down to the movies they are cast in. I think some actors know how to pick winner or at least someone is picking for them. Some actors if they appear in a movie you know it will be somewhat good while other actors not so much. Johnny Depp

My issue with BNW is that it didn’t seem to hard to the people in it but, more to the people reading it. The people in the novel seemed to be enjoying ourselves even the Deltas and Epsilons. Usually what makes a dystopia is people being forced against their will. But, when the will is shaped from the ground up to the

Spider-Man and the X-Men. Spider-Man goes to Jean Grey’s Academy for gifted youngsters to teach mutants... something. Anyway, hi-jinks ensue. It’s actually a pretty amusing short run comic series.

I know it’s out of context but I’m submitting this because Deadpool.

Now playing

I wish I was into fucking fat people. I met a lot lovely women that I got along great with that just didn’t do it for me sexually. I wish it did but, it just didn’t. So, good for you. If you find something you enjoy and it’s not hurting anyone (including yourself) I say enjoy every minute of it regardless if everyone

I always wondered how the USAF obtained the Stargate from British. To me that would make an interesting story.

Conspiracy theories in general fascinate me because they share so much with folklore and urban legends. Folklore and urban legends are driven by fear. Whether or not they are true people choose to retell folklore because it reflects what they fear. Conspiracy theories always ring with the fears of the story teller.

The moon landing conspiracy always fascinated me. I remember watching a documentary about the Brooklyn Bridge. This woman was interviewed saying that she remembered the finishing of the Brooklyn Bridge far more vividly than the moon landing. For the Brooklyn Bridge wasn’t just real it was relevant. It changed her

When you take into account John McAfee’s assertion that this was an inside job it just seems like either this was a diabolical to ensnare men or a ship deliberately built to sink as catastrophically as possible.

Their unrequited love would make an interesting story if it weren’t an already busy two and half hour movie. It might make sense if they ever go the two to appear on a TV show like Agents of Shield where they could take the time to tell the story. I can’t see Chris Evans showing up on TV but, hey, stranger things have

I’m at a loss as to who else could have drawn those panels like that besides John Romita Jr.

I’m guessing Spidey is going to sort of the plot twist in this movie. In the books he switches sides at the beginning of the third act which might be why we don’t see him on either team. The internal conflict that he’d have to go through to make such a big choice could be the roots of the story for this movie.

I had the same feeling about Black Flag after playing ACIII. They took my least favorite game mechanic of my least favorite game and mad an entire game out of it. That just doesn’t sound appealing on paper. I know there are some talented game designers out there that could make that work but, I wasn’t enthralled


I feel like this article over analyzes Genisys. Keep in mind it’s not that people went to see this movie and didn’t like it, more so they didn’t go at all in the first place. I don’t think it was the plot or plot wholes for that matter that killed this movie as much as it was the very premise of it.

Neither, they should be studied in a lab. Granted it should be a humane and comfortable lab with entertainment, food and room outside to run around... wait, that’s pretty much a zoo. This entire discussion assumes that we can clone anything perfectly and that it would be as though these species walked out of their

I appreciate the bath question. I could never figure out how we are supposed to get clean taking a bath. As it turns out you can’t really.