
I disagree. I never thought this show had any potential at all and was happily proven wrong. I felt it’s failure stemmed from the basic premise of the show.

I liked this show or rather I really wanted to like this show. In many cases I thought it was my favorite. One day someone said it, “Voyager was the worst Star Trek show.” I couldn't disagree.

I don’t believe in this debate. There are religious people who have no problem accepting evolution there are even people who believe that evolution and the bible tell the exact same story. There are atheists who don’t know science from a whole in the ground and are more less anti-christian.

My thought during the hearing to dismantle MI-6 that if he really wanted to screw over MI-6 he should have done nothing. Just let the events play out. James Bond runs in there trying to warn everybody, nothing happens, Bond looks like an idiot.

"Big Dave Navarro" I hadn't seen it until now.

In spite of my initial groaning reaction to another post apocalyptic fantasy with a ridiculous premise (the power goes out... seriously? ) I found myself liking this show. It had a certain aesthetic set by the American wilderness, swashbuckling adventure and the acoustic covers of classic rock songs.

Some phones had the T9 word program (or something similar) that made typing using a phone key pad quite easy. All you had to do was enter the numbers that contained the letter once and the phone would figure out what was being typed. Some people liked it better than the QWERTY key board because they could type one

Cell phone. It took me a while to adopt the cell phone. I think it may have been that at the time I was still in school and didn't have a lot of money. I thought it was too expensive. I got into minor car accident where my car was incapable of moving. After walking for a mile to get to a call box I realized that if

I love Wagner's Flight of the Valkyries but, in this case it's a little commical. If you wanted to go serious I think Barber's Adagio might be a little more ominous.

Reading this article raises a question can we even consider Back to the Future part II a futurist vision? It was more symbolic than prescient.

Now playing

As long as they resurrect Ulpio Minucci to compose the score I'm cool with that.

I woke up to a ton of clatter. "Oh, no," I thought to myself "not this again."

The repair shop actually calls you. Then they replace the part for free.

Maybe it's because I live in a different part of the country than the Forbes guy did but, my Volt buying experience was completely different. I purchased my Volt in Los Angeles which is a bit more EV friendly than other parts of the country. The dealer I visited had a designated salesman for EVs who was also a Volt

I'm all for redesigning Wonder Woman's outfit but, I'm not sure this is the right direction. Where did it come? Who designed it? This was always my issue with Wonder Woman's costume it just didn't make sense in her over all lore. I'd like to see her outfit borrow elements from Kratos, the other God of War.


Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! :-(

Warmth and overvaluing aren't the same. Neither are cold and undervaluing. A parent can be cold and overvaluing (as the article suggests), cold undervaluing, warm overvaluing or warm and undervaluing.

It's like a gritty version of The Tick.

I'm just going to keep posting this. There is nothing that shouldn't be built. Whether or not we ever use it is a different question. Take Nukes for example: we built them, everyone thought a nuclear holocaust will happen and it didn't.