
I don't understanding obsessing over hate. You don't like something don't watch it. If you watch something and end up not liking it I don't want to hear about how much you don't like it. Move on!

This is the debate that should be taking place not Science vs. Religion but, Christian vs. Christian. That's what bugged me about the Ken Ham/Bill Nye debate, there are plenty of Christians out there that could, should and willing to be debating Ken Ham and apparently one of them is Pope Francis.

I know you can die from a caffeine overdose. It can't be done by drinking coffee though. A teenage boy died of a caffeine overdose after he consumed a teaspoon of pure caffeine powder. But, then again I'm sure there aren't many chemicals that we consume on a regular basis that wouldn't be lethal when they are that

We should be rating all video games this way. I'd like to see how other games stack up against Lumosity: Uncharted, Halo, Doom,...etc.

I believe it. Now once I can get Portal 2 on my iPhone and/or playable on my desktop at work I'll be set.

Now I know why he went all evil.

MEALS™ from Good Omens. A completely synthetic food that has no nutritional effect at all whatsoever.

VF-25 from Macross Frontier.

Henry Deacon from Eureka. There are characters who were far more deserving to be on this list but, his story just kept breaking my heart so I had to put him up there:

I don't think its that much of a stretch to imagine a Macross/Robotech Valkyrie/Veritech as an autonomous robot.

Thank you so much. It took me years to get over those nightmares. Now I gotta go back to therapy.

I realize it's not strictly a robot but, if you could wouldn't you?

Oh, and yes, I do think your choice(s) of robot says something about you.

I never said I wanted to be a pretty lady in a red dress I also never said I didn't want to be a pretty lady in a red dress. What I am saying is that there are so many options. One individual could have an entire adventure (and therefore a story) of being different things. A giant robot one day, a transformer the

There is definitely a story here because as a robot you can theoretically re-imagine yourself as anything or anyone.

I'm just gonna keep posting this. Although I agree with David Brin that it is important to discuss these things. However, I will say this: we shouldn't ever underestimate people's desire to have these discussions. We are a naturally curious species and any science that comes along with enormous potential people are

Good point except that Star Trek: The Motion Picture wasn't exactly an original.

I'm a huge Terry Prachett fan. I didn't really find this very surprising. Interesting indeed but, not surprising. Reading his books I found them funny, and witty but, there was always an angry social justice element to all of them.

Also an increased knowledge base and sense of history. This probably falls under increased productivity but, I know from being a professional engineer we always freak out when another engineer retires because there goes a huge mountain of knowledge that would be hard to relearn. But, this doesn't just apply to the

Makes sense to me. The sandles are too much. He should just go barefoot.