
I was taking thermodynamics in college when I watched that movie. That exposition seen nearly made me hurl. However, as bad as the premise was I still really enjoy the movie. My only problem is having arguments with people who don't understand "conservation of energy" who think it's actually possible.

That's because Firefly usually gets it's own article for Browncoats to vent on.

Oh, heck yeah! I loved Spectacular Spiderman.

As much as I liked that show it felt like lightning in a bottle where they got just the right acting and writing to make it great. The premise really had nothing to do with the success.

Firefly usually gets its own article.

Zombie ending?

I was hoping it would more like Titanic where it starts off in the present time with archaeologists trying to to piece together what was happening when the volcano went off. After all that is the real story of Pompeii, that Vesuvius seemingly froze Pompeii in time giving modern man the best example of Roman life. Oh,

True, it is kinda tough to sell a story like that without giving away the twist. But, they could have focused on the character story and not the fantasy realm which was not central to the plot.

From what I heard streaming was always Netflix's plan. They just started before the technology was widely available.

Or the ammonia can be distilled from urine.

The church was purgatory. The series shows you purgatory intentionally so that you know that the island is not purgatory.

I'm one of the smart guys that could follow this movie but, in spite of that I didn't really enjoy. It was just needlessly complicated IMHO.

This wasn't so much plot twist as mis-marketing. They were trying to bank off the success of Harry Potter and, I guess also what they thought would be a successful film, Chronicles of Narnia. They marketed this movie as an alternate reality fantasy. It really isn't. Such a shame though. It is a really such a good

There is actually a precedent for the sport hijab.

Why is it smiling? Is there something in the skeletal structure that forced it to smile all the time or is it just artistic license?

This is indicative of a larger problem. Science isn't respected in the US. I would so, "No we shouldn't have these debates," but, that won't have people accepting the scientific position. Bill Nye was debating a congress woman. She has more influence over this issue than Bill Nye has and yet she is arguing the con

Okay, so that pisses me off. I wish people would specify Christianity instead of just saying religion. Christianity isn't the only religion in the world and I wish people would stop treating it as religion's champion.

You forgot the: They Are My Reason for Living Romance. I suppose this goes under the Kudzu Romance however, this one takes over the whole character. That character's whole life is now dictated by their incessant love.

I just like the way romance was handled on this show because they were like real life relationship. The Bruce/Diana relationship was done with subtlety. It was never turned into a full blown story and did a great job informing the audience about he characters. The Shaira Hall/ John Stewart/ Vixen happening was also

I love the way he draws Wonder Woman. Not just the design of her outfit but, the way she is built and the expressions he gives her.