
Look, honey, they brought the grandkids.

I see this and the only thing that goes through my head is: "USA! USA! USA!"
Just sayin'.

Loved the TV show and End of Evangelion. I don't think it could have ended any other way. The fact that 20 years later we are still talking about it is proof enough. The statement above about how this story line is all about depression is completely true. I realized this when I watched it the first time. All the

Space colonies from the UC Gundam universe.

I have my own theory on all these remakes and reboots. It's not because Hollywood is lazy and can't create new stuff. It's all about intellectual property. Back in the day studios could buy an artists rights to their own property for pennies and then make a fortune off of it without paying the original artist a cent

I have my own theory on all these remakes and reboots. It's not because Hollywood is lazy and can't create new stuff. It's all about intellectual property. Back in the day studios could buy an artists rights to their own property for pennies and then make a fortune off of it without paying the original artist a cent

That would have been an interesting spin on that dynamic. Rewrite the story so that the sidekick is now the hero and the former hero is the sidekick. I would have gone to see that. They did that once with Sherlock Holmes where it turns out Watson is the real genius and Sherlock was just some actor he hired to be the

I keep hearing that and I will eventually see it.

I complete agree with this review there is definitely some really good stuff in there that I enjoyed even the stuff that wasn't in the original book (from what I've heard a lot of it comes from other Tolkein works). But, there were definitely moments where I am asking where is this movie going and when will it get

I don't doubt it's a great movie. I'm pretty sure it is and eventually I will see it and I won't be surprised if it is the best movie I've ever seen. I'm not dismissing it but, I am admitting to my knee jerk reaction to the movie is that I don't have a strong desire to see it. Some movies do that some don't.

These reviews always beg the question of what is it that makes a movie good. Is it likeability or is it craftsmanship. Yes, a truly great movie will be both a masterpiece work of art and a joyful thrill ride. But, on everything else where do you draw the line? The Artist may be the best movie ever made but, I have no

I wouldn't have a problem talking to a robot if it just admitted it. The problem I see is that it keeps denying it. Actually it never denies its a robot or that it isn't a human being. It says it is a real person which is kinda vague.

This is a case of mistaken genres. In the case of Transformers the real genre isn't live action '80s toys but, live action giant robot fiction. After Star Wars Episode I came out we were all hankoring for live action giant robot movies particularly SDF-1 Macross (aka Robotech). I'd still love to see that but, it

This movie, I think, is a classic reason for remakes. It was great for its time but, you know it would look much better with today's technology.

Person of Interest. This is a great example of humans working with machines. The machine in this show is much more acurate portrayal of what a machine AI like Google is trully like and it is a fantastic desplay of how humans would work with such a machine. They make it a little too human for my tast but, still the

I think all these stories completely miss the reality of machines. In these stories we always like to treat robots like human slaves. They are not. Slaves are humans who were forced to do something they didn't want to do. Robots are machines that are designed from the ground up to do a task. We always like to project

Yeah, I got the feels now.

As far as the Dark Knight trilogy I think there is a disconnect there with children. I don't think it's too dark for them to handle or too violent I just don't think they would like it. I may be completely wrong about it but, I definitely get the sense that the movies weren't directed to children. I'd show it to