
I mean... they can have games that feature political turmoil from the characters and setting, without trying to make some sort of grand political statement about the real world.

But I guess that kind of nuance is a bit difficult for some of the contributors around here, who would rather just post reactionary news

To be fair, most of the franchises that have shown up have basically already turned themselves into jokes long before showing up in MK.

Gunship 2000 and F15 Strike Eagle 2 was where it was at. and M1 Tank Platoon, that game was awesome also.  I would love to see the three of those brought up to modern times.

Haha, yeah I’m back in school finishing off an MA, and if you want to feel a thousand spend your days 100% surrounded by gen Z.

Me too. Most such movies of kids doing a lot of drugs and drinking and having a lot of sex just serve to remind me how not-within-100-miles of being invited to those sorts of parties I was a kid. And I resent it.

I’ll talk to my pharmacist to see if he can get this flavor for the soda fountain. I have my doubts though — he’s addicted to laudanum and the upkeep of his shop has seriously fallen by the wayside. 

You know, as much as people keep talking about how Starfleet has become darker and the Federation in general has lost its utopian nature, I keep noticing how the setting wasn’t really ever as “utopian” as people seem to think. I mean sure, DS9 really foregrounded some of the less savory elements of the Federation, and

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

Oh give it a rest you condescending idiot, of course I know what a jrpg is. There are dozens from the FF games the Asdivine games (and about a million other Kemco games), Valkyria games, Pier Solar, the Ys games, wonderflick, unsung story, stranger of sword city, sword online, tales of arise, etc.... There are tons,

‘It is the laziest shit ever made.’

“they did something sorta kinda but not really similar before so why are they even bothering?”

I maintain that Godzilla 2014 is a really good monster movie and I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit more than I did in the theatre during subsequent home viewings. The blu-ray seems slightly color-corrected to help with the darkness issues, you can fast forward through all of that dumb post-Cranston character shit with

Hard copies are important for preservation and continued availability. Look at delistedgames.com or try to play PT if you want to see how a digital-only distribution system is flawed.

Right there with you.

Want to hit up the prune juice bar?

Still the best live-action iteration of Superman.

Crippling depression combined with a pathological need to retreat into comfort zone games when I’m feeling down, on top of retail therapy. I’d rather put my thousandth hour into Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4, Minecraft, or UT 2K4 than actually try to engage something new. I was doing good back in 2016. I made goal to finish

I had a similar experience signing up for football in middle school. I was never, even once, taught the basics of the game by the coach or anyone else on the team, and was always chastised for not just divining the knowledge from the ether. None of the formations were ever explained, my position in the line was never

Hi Kevin!
I remember I caught a ball in gym. Once. I was so stunned, I didn’t know what to do with it and I completely overshot the guy I was supposed to throw it to. Calvin and Hobbes was a big deal for me in the 80s, since his experiences mirrored my own so horribly well. I still hate sports. And team activities...