Wow, such a stereotypical academy guy answer.
Wow, such a stereotypical academy guy answer.
Turn on the bright lights saved my faith in music after the abortion of late 90s faux grunge and nu metal.
Turn on the bright lights saved my faith in music after the abortion of late 90s faux grunge and nu metal.
What in the Earth-shitting hell is going on here? She’s a very smart woman. Lisa Bloom is a very smart woman.
I like Halo 5. It’s by no means perfect, but I found the singleplayer experience a lot of fun—overall better than Reach, but that’s just my opinion. It’s not without its problems by any means, like too many Warden fights (what is this, that stupid roulette mode from Devil May Cry 4?), the story’s often ill-designed…
They’ve lost a lot of their talent over the last couple years, same with The Escapist. Two places Jim used to call home as a matter of fact.
I think at this point I’m over it. Campaign could have been better, but it wasn’t bad and could have been much worse. As long as there are still enough people playing that I can find a match without waiting too long, I’m happy. The new content is nice, hopefully it keeps coming for a long time
Cue the hold outs bitching that this game doesn’t have couch co-op... even though the number of games that did have it in 2015 was miniscule, at best...
Hello, Internet! Welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the first dating advice column to break through to the 8th dimension…
Another 9/11 related story: Here in Chicago I heard one and knew immediately what it was. F-16 flying CAP intercepted an airliner that reported an in-flight disturbance. Turned out to be a mentally handicapped adult who panicked but otherwise didn’t do anything. News reporters interviewed a passenger who said she was…
United States Navy testing of its new F-35C fighter jet off the coast of New Jersey caused a noise so loud that some…
I honestly hate playing Diablo-esque games with friends until I’ve beaten the games on my own at least one time. It’s a drag. I don’t get the full experience because I need to keep up with the group or get power leveled or just skip past story. It’s awful.
Gear down, flaps out, all bombed, missiled and gunned-up, in a steep bank and in burner—this has to be the best…
Yeah I'm hoping they'll update Forge to allow REQ weapons in soon. There's a lot of potential there.
Halo 5 needs a Firefight mode badly. It’s totally possible too, and will be awesome with REQs.
This is so stupid and NOT funny at all. I was high as hell and instead of making me laugh, it pretty much sobered me up. Thanks.
I can’t say I enjoy the story more in Halo 4 and haven’t played Halo 5 fully.
I can sum up the issue with modern Halo games in one sentence: you have to read the books to enjoy them. The Halo 4 campaign blew me away, and is probably my favorite of all the Halo games. Why? Because I read the Forerunner Saga and it was amazing to see such a pivotal character as the Didact in action. Everything…
I might be in the minority here but I’m preferring the story in the 343i games than the Bungie ones. Bungie had the big space opera feel but everything was very cliche; genocidal enemy, humans are the underdog, you play the ultimate soldier.