
For what it's worth, which isn't much, but as a pretty serious Trek-fan I was pretty much okay with the JJ Trek movie. The new "modern" design aesthetic worked well enough because to me, though ostensibly a part of Star Trek's rather inconsistent canon, Star Trek '09 was still just a modern take, a re-imagining so to

Most of the Banditos I've ever ecountered didn't have an ounce of respect for anyone. They're an unpredictable pack of sleazebags living out their rebel fantasies at the expense of everyone else around them. Fuck those meth-slinging scum.

Tolkien geek here! According to the Silmarillion, "Lith" means "ash" or "dust" in the Elvish language Sindarin, and "-ariel" is a pretty common suffix in feminine names : basically meaning "Lady" or "Daughter." So I guess Lithariel means "Lady of the Ash." And the Nurn referenced in the title is a region of

Can anyone comment on whether the Master Chief collection multiplayer is working better yet?

Love the modding community. Conceptually though, this kind of seems like cheating. El Paso is basically the wasteland already. Seriously, one of the most awful places imaginable. And as a native of New Mexico, I should know. I also think it's funny how people from Texas never stop talking about Texas, but that's

I was always a bit disappointed Bethesda didn't take advantage of all the amazing amateur covers of their themes out there, to add a bit more variety to Skyrim's bards. I mean, how bout just throwing individuals like Kari Kirk a few bucks for the rights, and add these already-recorded vocals into some dlc or

I feel like I'm not optimally wired for THC use. I'm very sensitive to it, for one, even a small dose of cheap weed gives me an almost debilitating high. And the high itself always seemed to cause as much discomfort (paranoia, the feeling as if someone stuffed a crap load of cotton in my brain) as enjoyment, if not

Not surprising. The " Russian MiGs" that gave Maverick such a hard time in Top Gun were actually American F-5s... a minor detail that pretty much ruins the only aspect of Top Gun anyone cared about (that is: seeing the all-American hero defeating their horrifying Cold-War nemesis).

I like the idea of collecting bounties on players who have broken the "rules." I don't have the game, but if I did, I'd definitely play as an Orc bounty hunter.

I have a similar feeling. I appreciate what the developers seem to be attempting to do with this game, but everything I read about it makes me suspect that it's just not going to work. There is an awful lot of anticipation for this game, and I think when this comes out it's going to be a massive disappointment to a

In my experience, the extremely cheap knockoff versions (like Marshmallow Maties and Golden Puffs) taste just fine- at first. I'd be extremely hard pressed to pick the copy from the original with just a few mouthfuls. The differences become noticeable after several bowlfuls over the course of several days, however.

I have many fond memories of Doom 64. The weird, atmospheric music alone was outstanding, and in some of the later levels, very haunting.

Wow, you make it sound as if he based his ideas on combat aircraft after the Empire's "Tie Fighter" squadrons in Star Wars, which were basically cannon fodder.

Best meme of 2014... so far.

Oh, now who's a badass??? :)

I'm 32! -So... thank you?

He's right though, my crappy elementary school was still using that basic type of computer (shown in the video) up through mid-to-late 80s, and all my early typing and technology interactions were with it. I'd go ahead and say that all of us kids found the experience tedious and boring (unless it involved giving your

Wow, I remember using that computer, or a very similar computer at my severely under-funded elementary school in the mid-80s. It wasn't like your average kid was in love with them then either, in fact they pretty much sucked completely and I pretty much hated using computers until the end of the 90s. In fact, it

Wow, that's funny. I lived there from '97 until '00, when I went to college, and it was still "home" for winter and summer breaks for another 2 years. I can tell you that a lot of my peers hated living the island, especially the one who were stuck on base the whole time. I loved every minute there though. When my

Hey I went to high school at Lajes! I always feel excited when I encounter other folks who were there. I don't really have any other comment, other than to say I liked the C-5 slightly better too (just as an outside observer.)