
It's wafer-thin.

Fucking bullshit. Jeopardy isn't a goddamn spelling bee, he added one unnecessary letter- so what? He clearly knew the right answer. I personally know a ton of adults who couldn't answer that question to save their life, let alone spell 'emancipation' properly! Poor kid, I'd be fighting back the rage tears myself,

Bullshit. We don't dress like that in New Mexico, that's some Southern good ol' boy shit from Texas on eastwards. Here, formal wear is a snazzy mariachi costume and a sombrero.

You're right about the misguided hate. There are some legitimate reasons to take what the guy says with a grain of salt, but most of the time the haters are simply ignorant about the process of actually creating a game. Most of the complaints people had about the Gears of War series (from the horrible matchmaking in

That always bugged me. I had a model tie fighter I built as a kid and as soon as I had built it I realized that it has to have the worst possible design for an agile spacecraft intented to zip around on a completely 3-dimensional axis. In order to convince myself that tie fighters were still cool, I eventually

It's Darth Vader's personal "advanced" Tie fighter from the very end of the first movie. We didn't see a Tie Bomber until Empire, so it's more accurate to say that the bomber was based off of the Vader design.

With regard to the Japanese comercial: Fuck, she's hot... and that Japanese woman ain't too bad either...

Pah, I could do better photoshops when I was 17! And photoshop didn't even exist then!

I understand that. But I suspect the number of people who are on welfare because they just want to be is overblown by those who make this argument.

That's correct. From what I know of them, they're pretty much just the ultimate contrarian club. Everything they do, ceremonially I mean, is pretty much just a juvenile stick-it-to-the-man sort of anti-Christianity acting out, fluffed up with some New-Agey psuedo-philosophy covering up a little bit of randy hedonism

Yeah, I purchased MW2 after reading so much glowing praise for for the series, and quickly realized that it just wasn't for me. I suck at CoD multiplayer.

I gave a star. Does that count?

Agreed! Though, in real life, the record industry doesn't need subliminal messages. It's all just really clever marketing and it's all done to create a product with the broadest possible appeal. I can appreciate a good pop song, but so little of is written with any genuine artistry in mind. But that has been true

I don't understand this, at all. I've never understood how groups that I personally find mediocre become so huge. I accept that Nickleback pulls in massive money and has millions of adoring fans, but I don't know anyone personally who doesn't consider them a joke.

Skinny Puppy. My most favoritest band of all time!

Alls I want to know is, which one is going to run Skyrim 2 betterer?

You sound like me, developing adult issues early. I was a very quiet, obedient child and did very little "acting out" as a teenager. But I've dealt with depression and anxiety since I was very young. I can recall feelings of sever hopelessness starting as young as age 8 or so, for no real reason other than

You'd be amazed how many "white" people attempt to claim some measure of native American ancestry in order to somehow make themselves seem... cool, or something. In highschool our football coach, and his wife, a German language teacher, the most anglo-looking pair imaginable, were in the middle of a letter-writing

Licking isn't weird for cats. Kittens are groomed by their mothers, and related or friendly cats often groom each other, as well as their owners. It's an expression of some kind of nurturing instinct. I'd say it is about as close to a sign of genuine affection as anyone can reasonably expect from a cat.

When I went away to college my mother adopted a kitten that grew up to be a very odd cat. It would follow her around the house, it rarely meowed and it loved to bite and chew on things- he never clawed furniture, but he would gnaw the fabric. More peculiarly, he disliked being put outside and if he was, he soon