Can't a person enjoy giving oral sex because giving pleasure is its own reward?
Can't a person enjoy giving oral sex because giving pleasure is its own reward?
Those some nice feet.
I prefer cats to dogs on an aesthetic level, so maybe you might call me a cat person. But that video was the stupidest thing I've seen all day. ... And I shot a Derringer at beer bottles this afternoon. So I know stupid when I see it.
Historically, yes Texas was part of the Confederacy. Because it is such a large state, many will try to pretend that it has its own separate culture and identity. This is a fallacy however, because Texas is just the western-most expansion of Southern culture with a bit more cowboy thrown in, making it probably the…
Same thing in the minds of most Texans.
God this is so true. The whole Well-Arm=Polite Society thing is disproved as soon as you go anywhere people tend to gather. I live in a small rural desert town in the Southwest, and people are allowed to open-carry in my city, and you'd better believe people in general are neither polite, friendly, or peaceful here*.…
This is the same company that created a console that melted on the inside after a few days of use, by the thousands (except for mine, I love my 360 :D). Anyway, yeah you're right. Microsoft has always been pretty incompetent.
No dummy, it means that Liberals always short-sightedly build their ramparts too high on the leftern side of their forts (and gardens), and the evil orcs and zombies and trolls always break through from the Right.
You said: " the end (they) came out to say they were wrong. How can you trust that company anymore?" I'm sorry but that sounds incredibly naive. It's a company, not a presidential candidate. You expect a company to alter its course if its shares and a vast amount of profit are on the line. That's called a…
I don't disagree with you about being able to dig out and play old games, that's a huge deal to me too. But don't forget that many games will still need servers to run. Try to play Halo 4 offline... you can play the single player campaign, and that's it. Once 343 stops supporting Halo 4, there will be no…
You're right and it's the most obvious answer. If Microsoft had any indication that its old plan was going to make them a bigger profit in the long term, they would have stuck with it, complainers be damned. There is a lot of crowing about how internet message board commentators "got their way," but really, money…
Definitely lends credence to the suggestion that Xbox's DRM plans were created in response to rumors that Sony would be doing the same thing. When it turned out they weren't and MS saw their profits on the verge of falling off a cliff, they couldn't change gears fast enough.
Major Nelson looks miserable. Maybe he realized that he's far to old to ever attract a young woman like Chloe at this point in his life. I'm just guessing, because that thought makes me very sad...
Same here. Unrelated to the topic here, but the absolute best death sequences I've seen were in the original Dead Space, which (if you never played it) were so neat that it was totally worth it to let each new monster kill your character at least once. My favorite was the disembodied head that would slither along…
Send Sally my way!
I hate to say "I told you so" but... wait, no I love to say it. Anyway, I saw this coming, years ago, when I realized that physical media was being replaced by digital downloads and streaming services. Xbox One's imposed limitations are merely the next step in the march all media have been on since the dawn of the…
None of these arguments matter. Even if everyone reading this boycotted these horrible practices, there are enough people out there who will still pay for their entertainment, no matter what trade-offs are involved. And there are kids out there now who will grow up accepting this situation as normal, who won't…
Still sucks, but seriously, I thought all of this had already been announced. Where is the new information in this article? Why is everyone complaining about this now, when this has been out in the open since the official unveiling? Did you people think Microsoft was going to say "oops, just kidding"?
There are a lot of people out here in rural America who would see this issue as an issue between those who are criminals and those who are innocent people. The man felt he was being robbed, and used an amount of force that is considered legal in stopping the thief. In their minds, a thief (especially since she was…
Right, "fake" devil tail... ;)