
This is the result of the normalization of violence against your political opponents that the #resistence crowd has been nurturing for months, assisted by the media and celebrities (Kathy Griffin included). Eventually punching “nazis” in the face as a form of protest just doesn’t do it for someone anymore. This is the

Lets make sure we post this around the office, anything can help Gizmodo these days.

This article would be a lot scarier if I wasn’t so fond of avocado toast.


“Not again”

Good lord, get over yourselves people. Do you realize how whiney you sound? I get being upset with Pence and Trump but cursing people, or supporting those that do, makes you look like petulant children.

Can you guys just go full bore and get a ‘POLITICAL’ page (Polimodo?) and move all this stuff over to it? I’m so tired of surfing to Gizmodo to look at tech news or Lifehacker to look at cool tips, tricks, and recipes, and getting politics. It’s the equivalent of your neighbor’s loud music irritating your quiet

There you go throwing that word ‘Free’ around again, people are not getting these services free they are just just bundled into the higher premiums. It’s like the ‘Free 2-day shipping’ offered by Amazon.

(Preface - I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m just sick of these lies being wantonly spread around thoughtlessly)

Remember when Obama did the very same thing late last year?

History wasn’t your subject in school, was it? The Confederate’s were all Democrats. The Democrats went to war with the Republicans to keep Blacks enslaved. The Confederate flag is the flag of the Democrat Party. It should have been outlawed in 1865, along with that Democrat hate group called the KKK.

You probably didn’t go to school for liberal arts. They need to start teaching people early in life that an obsolete degree won’t get you a good paying job. We tell everyone to follow their dreams, then when that $500 /week pay check rolls in, their “dream” suddenly involves renting a studio apartment for the rest of

How is receiving back money that I spent 40 years paying in considered welfare?

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

The volt is neither equally fun, nor interesting. As evidenced by your own articles dedicated to each.

Oh please just STFU. You short sighted fools think the world is just rainbows and sprinkles, but guess what? There are people in power today who want nothing more than to annihilate the USA. NK is on track to have that power very soon. Unless someone stops them, there may be a nuclear holocaust. How do you not grasp

APC SurgeArrest Performance. 11 outlets, 6 of them spaced for large adapters. I’ve had it for many years and never had an electronic device fried when plugged in to it. It’s only $20 on Amazon. Cheap but reliable investment to protect your home theater equipment.

APC SurgeArrest Performance. 11 outlets, 6 of them spaced for large adapters. I’ve had it for many years and never

seriously... Stop defending illegal immigration. It’s illegal. It shouldnt be tolerated at all. No matter what. The only ones I feel should be allowed to stay at this point are ones who have established families where they have kids that are citizens. Those ones should be safe because your legal system took too