Yeah, I would give my Senator a piece of my mind, but then I would be guilty of whiteplaining and mansplaining. So I’ll keep sharing my political views where they should be shared, at a bar when I am drunk.
Yeah, I would give my Senator a piece of my mind, but then I would be guilty of whiteplaining and mansplaining. So I’ll keep sharing my political views where they should be shared, at a bar when I am drunk.
You’re not on Jezebelmodo much, are you?
Ignorant Canadian here, but how on earth did you get in excess of 100k student loan debt? I know US school can be rather expensive but did you go to ivy league or something?
Step one: Don’t live here illegally.
Classic foxtrot alpha...almost everyone in the country with a retirement plan owns stock in companies that have contracts with the defense department. If you had a 401k Terrell you would probably know that.
Surely Donald will have more flexibility after the next election
ACA is crap. 13,000 out of pocket before I’m covered . How is that good?
Most of the deductibles that I saw on the Kentucky Kinect plans were in the tens of thousands of dollars. not insurance.
Its called doxxing and just like Gawker before it, Jezebel believes its totally justified if its used on someone who doesnt share their world view.
Can I just say thank you, and applaud you, for doing an entire Political/Military piece of writing, with heavy Russian detail, on FoxtrotAlpha, in 2017, without ever mentioning Trump once.
Thanks for that.
I’m sure you lost out on a bonus/comission/ was very refreshing.
“The last time a aircraft carrier has been used in battle was in World War II”
If that were the case, no one should ever buy an iPhone or iPad.
Try sneaking into an F1 venue without a ticket (illegally) and see what happens.
The US supported a coup in Ukraine. Then the US and EU propped up a puppet pro pro US/EU Government which CAUSED a civil war in Ukraine.
Ok, so what do you suggest we do? Allow China to continue its expansion into the S. China Sea, build up military bases on these islands, asert it’s dominance in the area completely, control trade, and then let them fuck us for the next 100 years because we want everyone to play nice?
For reference, Russia’s budget is about $70B which is about 5% of their GDP.
WW3 level dangerous like Hillarys no fly zone plan or dangerous for US troops and those that actually go to said safe zones? There has to be a way to.. nudge.. countries in the region to take refugees that havent taken a single one.
And why, pray tell, is a car blog playing investigative reporter on environmental policy? As a horsepower-loving American who lived through the horsepower-starved 80's, the only reporting on this issue I want to see from Jalopnik is you reporting that the impossible mpg requirements scheduled to go into effect in a…
Well, depends on what you set those CAFE standards at. If the current fleet is at say 25mpg and you say 28mpg in 5 years, sure. But if you say 50mpg in 5 years, then you are drastically increasing the prices of cars. Suddenly everything has to become at least a plug-in hybrid. The average cost of a new car goes up…