
Yes and no about Top Gear.  If you read the book, they don’t actually script out specific lines to say, but rather they have “talking points” and they expand as needed in the show.

Dude there are like 5 of these cars ever driving at the same time around the world... and not for many miles either, much fewer than Matt put on for his review.

Now’s the time to learn how to code Matt.

It’s going to be wonderful watching her fall back to earth in the eyes of the low information Splinter crowd.  God help her if she has to compromise on something to maintain some minimal level of viability in Congress

 LOL ‘good to hear’ that someone doesn’t have a different opinion than you about outage culture! Otherwise you’d have to get outraged!! Can’t tolerate someone who doesn’t think just like you.

Ah, socialism at work. I’m sure Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are cheering...

I had no interest in this game from the start but am absolutely loving the savage cavalacade of beatings it’s taking the video game press. Keep the Schadenfreude coming baby!

If you think Bell was standing up for others then the joke’s on you....

All pass through businesses. They did have some restrictions to prevent some shenanigans, but I don’t know which ones survived. I’m happy about this. I have a single person computer consulting LLC that, prior to this tax cut had to not only pay double FICA, but also had to pay a tax penalty for being self employed. I

I’m not sure you understand the difference in a tax deduction and a tax credit.

Taking money from people and giving it to “Joe” just because “Joe” wants it is theft. If the so-called rich want to spend or invest their money, they should be able to do so. It’s their money. It WILL make it back into circulation, and without resorting to theft.

But more spectrum. While the phones support more bands, there is more spectrum. I’m thinking you don’t know what that means.

OK, but how do I open it to maximize my chances of hitting a biker?

Nina Turner is pretty much Ben Carson for white progressives.

Here is a better idea don’t ride bikes on the street. Roads are for cars!

Is this a distant cousin of the “rudder”?

Someone should invent reflective surfaces mounted on the sides of cars that allow drivers to check for bicycles or other cars.

Calm your fucking tits, dude. This isn’t the Berlin Wall falling. They just announced an actor on a TV show.

You’re a child of someone. Since I’ll assume your parents eat meat, fly on planes, drove very low MPG cars etc. you should probably kill yourself as a carbon offset.

Also please realize that the UN climate report state there has been NO change in average world wide temperature in the last 15 years. Out of 3 possible reasons why it hadn't heated up like they predicted, with equal percentage of being likely, "we don't know" was one of the options.