
It’s easy to criticize but hard to lead, what would you suggest? Hillary’s no fly zone would lead to war with Russia, we could mind our own business but with all the Allepo battle cries during the campaign that doesn’t seem like the preferred route by most liberals.

Hillary’s no fly zone push would have certainly led to war with Russia. Like you said they would never agree to it and we’d be defending it against them. Not to mention Assad’s government is still internationally recognized and Russia is there by invitation. We’d technically be invading their airspace.

I’ve always found there to be a huge disconnect between the Democratic parties push for globalization and their stance on being pro-union. Globalization has been a huge factor in the death of unions as they artificially increased wages which was nice until the company moved overseas and left Union members jobless.

And they pass the added costs of compliance onto us, the consumer.

Good luck getting out of the grey with your reason. Want to make it more interesting, look at who owns the railroad used to transport the oil, liberal billionaire and Obama’s economic advisor Warren Buffett.

I see, then I guess the answer is who the fuck knows.

Good question, I don’t know. Are you talking about freight rail or passenger rail? If you’re talking about passenger rail, long distance or commute style? Rail is almost too general.

So we should continue spend money on unused routes? And somehow that is part of improving our infrastructure.

Their minimum is 3.5% down with a 580 credit score. Simply put if you can’t meet either criteria then you have no business owning a home.

Hasn’t that been Trump’s point all along? That our NATO allies are not paying their fair share. Few countries in the world can afford to invest in defense like we can and since we upped our social welfare spending, we can’t afford it either.

What is your opinion on it was not the sanctions that caused Russia’s economy to contract but in fact the collapse of oil prices? A commodity which the Russian economy highly values.

Likely given that Friday is still a work day.

They are concerned about economic growth at all costs. They are building entire ghost cities just to prop up their GDP. As America wises up to their dumping of cheap, government subsidized goods into US markets and begins to protect ourselves then we face the very real threat of retaliation. Such as shutting down

I was wondering this as well. China is a much bigger threat than Russia. The reality is Russia isn’t much of a threat on the world stage, if they weren’t nuclear armed no one would blink twice. Meanwhile China is building and arming islands in a major trading route, backs unstable North Korea, and then like you said

Ha. So if mergers cause job losses then what would a split lead to? Although GM has probably has so much fat on it that it’ll break even jobs wise but there will be 12 smaller car companies instead of one big crappy one.

I’m beginning to think you liberals live in a bubble that has no basis in reality. A large portion of sales of the big 3 comes in the form of light trucks. Light trucks being light trucks get terrible fuel efficiency by virtue of being heavy with the aerodynamics of a 2x4. I drive a gas guzzling 6.2L Raptor and can

Most of those jobs wouldn’t have been lost. GM would have been split apart and sold off in parts, then they would have continued operating under a more streamlined and efficient management. GMC would still be a brand, same as Chevy.

Maybe they are just keeping up appearances and half assing it to avoid fighting each other in an all out war. Turkey keeps antagonizing Russia, Hillary wanted to create a no fly zone which is an officially recognized state without UN approval which Russia would surely break, Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting proxy

Great that’s the cheapest version of the 3... The irony is you’re arguing $20 million savings on a project that is 900 billion over budget. No matter how you try to justify it they’ll never build enough of the F-35s to ever recoup the costs. And at the rate UAV’s are being developed the F-35 won’t even see its full

The vehicles that mine and transport the lithium use diesel so I don’t think they are all that concerned. The greater the demand for Tesla’s the more diesel they’ll use, eventually they’ll run out of lithium in Nevada or it’ll get too expensive which means importing lithium from overseas which means even more diesel.