
Jezebel Commenters: “Victim Blaming is bad. Unless the victim is white. Then he/she is not a victim at all. It is not POSSIBLE a white person to be a victim. ”

“...both for his regular dude appearance...”

Answer: don’t

This is the natural state of the Clippers.


Here’s an equally ridiculously stupid response to your off-topic response to my response: Cuz black people cant read?

86% chance anti-Cam Hot Takes

Yep. That’s why you don’t play with BEARS. wait. What?!?!?

Yes. Please do. Fuck hate speech. Fuck extremism based on fairy tales.

“Scared white people”

Yep. Many people immigrate to the us and endure terrible (by our standards) but better (by what they left) standards and don’t feel the need to blow shit up.

Religion of Peace


Are you trying to fuck this little troll or what? How is this on Deadspin? It's not even mildy funny or entertaining.

Damage to the Chelsea brand? What is the Chelsea brand? He IS the Chelsea brand.

So Kyle walker is into Internet “pranks”?

Wow a guy who plays a debilitating violent game is wild as hell. Who'd have thunk it?

Fuck these people.

After all the hype this trailer was quite a let down. Movie will suck

He looks like shit