J to the G

Think of the ratings of a show where analysts said what they really thought and acted like the asshole a lot of them really are. Like really.

The Ryan bros do look like the type to die in a freak gasoline fight accident.

The good news is that Rob’s gut arrived 10 minutes before anyone else.

The Room is a very different movie.

Wow I am glad we got your unbiased opinion, VolBrian.

Or, she wasn’t and that was just some misinformation spread by the AD in order to justify canning her... Which is more likely, iyo?

You mean the report on the link, where the University admitted to finding no evidence.

This. This also applies to you #bluelivesmatter d*cks too. Cops have always mattered.

but the ol’ gunslinger Brett Favre has huge hands

Look. His hands are small. He knows. But, come on. They’re not yours, they are his own.

If Miller’s teams keep losing to unranked opponents, the only thing that’s going to hit a fan is shit.

and what’s the point of language if not to efficiently convey meaning?

Prosecutor: “Now Mr. Pierre-Paul, is the man who tweeted your medical records in the courtroom today?”

“Fixed that for you, Tom.”

“anyone that listens to his podcast regularly”

This will not happen. Showing my child something from Bleacher Report is the type of evidence my ex-wife needs to regain custody.

Let’s begin the RGIII/Johnny Football era in Dallas. Co-starters!