
We already got an animated Simon

Second season better be an upside down map.

It’s only pretend free, as evidenced by the article you commented on, but apparently didn’t read.

The odds might as well be zero at this point. Your chances of getting that legendary gem before the pity timer kicks in are 2.2% so 97.8% of the time you’ll get the drop thanks to the pity timer, not the original drop rate. The only reason that 0.045% thing even exist is that it’s neither marketable nor addictive to

So remember how Ari and Zack were calling this game’s microtransactions “not that bad” just a day or two ago?

Yeah, the fact is, it IS an exploitative game. The entire model is designed to exploit people. Just because someone doesn’t have to does not change that fact.

This game is going to make more profits than D3 and D2 combined.  It’s *exactly* what they set out to make performing *exactly* the way it was intended.  

Hey, it beats making video games!

Utterly unsurprising from this company. What's more surprising is that they chose to do this with Castlevania first rather than Metal Gear Solid or their Soccer games.

you better believe it’s gonna

Because people are willing to buy the games broken. So what’s the incentive to wait until they’re fixed/complete?

Money. An industry led by profits rather than creativity will always focus on short term goal.

I disagree that they haven’t learned their lesson. They absolutely did: they learned that they can still profit off of broken games, and get gamers to continue supporting it on the basis that “it will eventually become good.”

So if you were someone in her department and just watched a senior program engineer get smeared and fired by what seem to be very dubious machinations, you’d just start running your mouth in public? Yeah, right. You wouldn’t do that at a gat damn Jiffy Lube, let alone a trillion dollar corporation that might end your

My biggest problem with this response is you take one discrepancy between REPORTING and the long, complex chain of events and evidence and use that to justify these series of unrelated claims about her character. It’s the conspiracy theorist approach of finding one crack in a pretty consistent story, that she

And she'd lose severance or unemployment. You clearly don't know how adulting works.

Apple’s crisis team is on the move, I see! 

Why do I get the feeling that you have “This woman’s tweets show she is both unhinged and a narcissist. I don’t buy her story.” as a shortcut-macro?

And you’re definitely not an Apple employee or contractor trying to smear her. She requested the leave as a last resort.