
Insurance is the bigger issue. A lot of people’s mortgages are tied to a requirement to maintain coverage, and insurers are pulling out of the market and leaving a LOT of people at risk of forclosure (not to mention the potential hit when the next hurricane hits).

Problem is a foot of sea rise has other effects.  It would mean a massive collapse in real estate.  It would bankrupt what few insurers are still there because the reinsurance companies would all pull out.  Insurance costs in Florida are skyrocketting.  My wife works in insurance coverage work and says that homes are

It’s pretty hilarious. Agriculture might not be as bad, but it’s rapidly reaching the point where you simply can’t buy or sell houses in Florida because no one will insure them (and no insurance = no financing).  Anyone who buys a house in Florida at this point needs to understand that you will never be able to resell

How many Amouranth articles have you guys written at this point? Pretty sure the “Queen of Twitch” doesn’t need the extra exposure. Why not write some stuff about smaller streamers who could benefit instead?

Another day, another rich person with more money than a rational person could ever spend doing as much as possible to avoid having to contribute to society financially. How is this video games news? 

Please don’t be another Halo. A few good bits of exploring the world, padded with a lot of filler and bad ideas.

The game is a million light years wide and only 2 inches deep.

In that gas station where I left him?  Rocket somthin’?

Yeah looking at it all through the lens of ‘50s tropes helps it make more sense. Honestly, the Fallout 3 and later redesign of them being basically skinless humans bothers me more than anything else. The weird, tumorous freaks of FO 1 and 2 seem more likely for something being kept alive for centuries by radiation.

Again, these are just Steam metrics. I imagine a large percentage of players are (or were) playing it on Game Pass. I know I did. When Skyrim and FO4 launched, Steam represented 100% of their PC player base. That’s never been the case for Starfield. We don’t know the exact percentage of players playing on Steam vs GP

It’s never really bothered me, no. Ghouls are basically walking beef jerky, their bodies shrivel to a certain point and then stop. Does it make sense in terms of how radiation works IRL? No, but I find it an easy suspension of disbelief in a 1950s pulp sci-fi sort of way, and is roughly equivalent to how the vampire

I don’t know - if I’m Bethesda I’d be concerned that Skyrim a 10year old+ game has more players than my two month old latest release. And that Fallout 4 has the same amount of players which is what almost 10 years old? Those are not great metrics.  

Because it’s not a good game? They may have intentionally designed the game to be played for a long time, but the content isn’t the main ingredient in that formula. They padded the whole thing out by making everything take forever to do. Menus, getting in and out of your ships pilot seat, the distance between you

I hope this game (and F76) is a wake-up call for Bethesda to finally actually start improving their fast-travel-reliant quest design and their awful UI that’s been almost completely the same since Skyrim.

The game is as wide as an Ocean and as shallow as a Pond. The mechanics just dont link meaningfully into the gameplay while finding scripted content feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Theres nothing to properly reward you from exploring off the rails of the main storyline and the map navigation is so

Right. The collective aneurism from the general public and press coming to terms with the obvious is astounding. Take the same product, remove the Bethesda name and absurd hype, and it would’ve been forgotten and dismissed within a month.

Because the game is derivative, repetitive, ugly, and boring?

My opinion is never. I would prefer newer titles with different plot lines over a remaster. That being said, there have been some exceptions, specifically Links Awakening being one of them. It is possible to do a remaster right, but when you only remaster the same title over and over and the only difference is