
Doesn’t it also make your immune system weaker with long term usage?

I think when Rogan heard prednisone was a “steroid”, he was ready to mainline it.

*looks at the raging spammers in the greys*

Virtually all Covid treatments are not treating Covid itself. You fight the symptoms not the virus. Which include inflammation (especially in the heart).

for 12 of the past 24 hours, Siragusa has been licking a microphone.

Absolutely zero sympathy for her being kicked out of the gym. As a gym-goer, the gym is my sanctuary. It’s where I go to work on myself, to make myself vulnerable by trying-until-failure, to give it my best.

I’m sick of this shit.

So basically she’s the young, good-looking, low-level sex-work (suggestive stuff on twitch, tasteful nudity on OnlyFans) version of stuff like Mega64 at the best and Katie Hopkins/Piers Morgan without the racism at the worst (spectrum of publicity-seeking stunting to deliberate harassment trolling)?

All this does is put even more of a spotlight on how messed up digital rights are right now. Really really really dumb. Shooting yourself in the foot dumb.

Why the fuck did they wait till ONE DAY BEFORE then? This sounds like some extremely shady bullshit to me. They could have openly communicated all this way earlier but chose to wait till now. Why? Feels like they’re trying to ambush people or something.

But this kind of hyperbole only makes things worse. They “fixed” the headline, but they didn’t just say, “she took part in a formerly racist ball” at first. She put it all on her, despite the fact that there’s a ton of evidence that she wouldn’t have known at the age of 19 that this place had a problematic past.

There is a public service in exposing the racist roots of so many parts of America, so using a celebrity to reveal a tiny, tiny corner of it helps - no one would care if someone just said ‘hey the south has this one weird racist ball’. Bringing it up, having her talk about it as someone who participated, and her

I don’t understand what she is apologizing for. She has never hid the fact that she was born into privilege and that privilege has helped her in life. She has apparently spoken about this creepy ball (and make no mistake, even after they ostensibly let people of color in, it was still creepy) before, and condemned it.


But she’s already addressed this teenage nonsense. How many times do people have to beg forgiveness because lazy bloggers haven't looked up past responses? 

AV Club newsroom this morning when seeing the post:

And, I would add, less interested in this web site.


If anything this whole thing has made me more empathetic towards her and more interested in her upcoming projects.

I have never heard of an attorney charging 60% contingency. And I’m an attorney. The typical fee arrangement will be something like 25-33% if settled, 33-40% if go to court plus expenses afterwards. If contingency and expenses reach 60% of the total amount received, then they probably went to court and got an award