That's good, but this is better. I work for an Airline Pilot Association and we had this in from a pilot. Apparently this Lynx stowed away under the rudder pedals of a JungleJet. When the aircraft took off, the Lynx attacked the Captain and Flight Officer, only really calming down when hypoxia set in and it mellowed

Hey. I'm an IT guy and I drive an E46 330Ci. The difference between IT guys and other guys is that we have to get the car 'loaded'. So I've got the inbuilt BMW 16:9 sat-nav screen and now I'm collecting the parts to build a car-pc for it.

Millau Viaduct. No question. What a HELL of a drop

Now playing

Don't get me wrong, that is good but this is nothing short of spectacular


I spoke to the head of the company at the Classic Motor Show in Birmingham (UK) and climbed all over this thing. I can tell you that it's beautifully thought out and perfectly executed. Also, it was done for all the right reasons. Sorry, no pictures though.

Where do I get one.

Brilliant, but unhinged.

What. A. Mess.

It's good, but in 'Concorde with Cars' I think we really need this.


Godzilla. No question. Can you imagine people in the 60's trying to understand how bloody fast it is in the real world or on a track (not straight line)

Is there in joke we weren't privvy to?

Dear god. Giz, try reading "Cyber War" by Richard A Clarke ([www.amazon.co.uk]) and you'll learn reeeeallly quickly why people in web based glass houses shouldn't throw stones....

Yeah. Apparently this is the British Government, who also still use IE6. Fuckwads.

Win. Thanks guys.

Can we have a drinking version?


M70. No questions

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