
I know some old hippie types who still eat carob, mostly in the form of dubious looking “health bars” bought from old school “health stores” in leafy neighborhoods run by old hippies like them. And some of those stores have been there since the 1970's. Personally I think we should do away with soy as well - horrible

Yeah I guess if you’re drawing a full circle it’s from the shoulder. But for curve segments it’s generally from the elbow.

It’s not for the same reason. The alternate picking of a lead guitarist involves a very specific and narrow range of motion - they’re oscillating a pick back and forth across a tiny distance and have to do it at high speed. For this purpose, movement from the wrist is best. But they will still move their forearm from

Actually the best way to improve your handwriting is to write from the elbow, not the wrist. You have far more control over lines and curves when you move the arm from the elbow.

LOL nope, don’t think I’ll be doing that.

I think it’s the older managers and executives who are quite content to leave systems frozen in time in perpetuity because their minds have basically frozen back in the time when the system was introduced. I work with some audio software which has a pretty aging user base - most of the users are 50+. A lot of them are

Most local government websites are like that as well. Utterly outdated, terrible design to begin with, buggy as all hell and oftentimes functionality that will only work in IE but not Chrome or Firefox. I was on a New York government website not so long ago, chasing my tale on an endless repeating loop of badly

How is anyone still buying this story? Why on earth would the governor’s office release a screenshot of the warning system unless they were trying to bolster up their fabricated story of it just being an “accidental click”? There is no way that screenshot is the real deal - I am 100% certain that it was mocked up in

Actually Musher’s wax is great for conditioning their paws in general (all year round), and you’ll probably see better results if you rub a little bit into their paws every day when the opportunity arises. If you put too much on at once then most of it is wasted as the dog will not like the feel of it and lick it

Every couple of days should be enough although I’d be tempted to reapply daily if the weather was really bad. Do you give it some time to dry indoors before taking them out?

Remember that if water gets in the boots, it increases the chance of your dog being zapped by stray electrical current on the sidewalk (which can be a problem as salt corrodes wires under manhole covers etc). Musher’s wax is a far better solution.

Yes it IS going to hurt them. Where on earth do you get such an obviously INCORRECT view? I have walked dogs professionally for almost 15 years and manage a team of dog walkers in NYC. We have had countless incidents with dogs and salt in which the dog screamed blue murder like it was dying after stepping in salt.

Washing your dog’s paws when you get home is not good enough. If a dog’s paws are sensitive to salt and they step in it, they will scream and shriek at the top of their lungs right there and then. And they will continue to cry until you get them home. No, wax is the way to go.

Professional dog walker here. Don’t bother with the booties. They’re a pain in the ass, dogs hate them, they come off during the walk and they’re awkward. But worse still, if they get water in them they increase the chance of your dog getting zapped by stray sidewalk current. When there’s ice and salt on the sidewalk,

This will be useful for when my brother goes on one of his selfie binges.
However, the option isn’t there for me. Perhaps they’re staggering the rollout?

The library cards of certain regions and cities of the US will also get you access to Lynda videos for free. For example, my NYC library card gets me in. If your library participates, there will be a designated login page specific for your library where you enter your card number and PIN. It will get you the full gold

Yeah I’ve had that problem as well. In fact I always have. When I was a kid I used to worry that I wouldn’t last long when I started having sex. And what I found was the complete opposite - it takes me a long time to finish. Part of my problem is that I over analyze things to the point of ridiculousness, so I’d be in

I’ve had stress related ED and it’s no joke. And it’s a vicious circle - once you’ve been through that experience of not being able to get it up (the girl: “don’t worry about it, happens to everyone” etc) then it’s a source of stress every time sex is initiated. You’re worried that it’s going to happen again and that

Sunscreen is not good for the skin, especially when used on a regular basis. There are alternatives to slathering yourself with toxins every day:

Millennial yuppies who get sucked into every new fad