Hey man, I offered a couple of months ago and I’ll offer again... let me know when you get to the Rock and I’ll be happy to give you a ride to O’Hara’s from LIT. He’s a good friend of mine and you couldn’t have chosen a better place to take your Beetle. It will be cheaper than Uber, and I’ll even throw in some Whole…
Okay, so I did the math and it comes out to $1 million per job created. I used a calculator, i know its correct. So now the question is, HOW MUCH ARE THEY PAYING THESE PEOPLE? Can i get one of those 700 jobs?
Anyone else notice there are 5 different cars in that 5 car motorcade? I don’t think I am familiar with any of them.
Awww man! I wish I would have known you were in Little Rock! My wife and I would have gladly given you a place to stay that night. We’ve done it before for Jalops. I’ve actually seen your car at O’Hara’s while my B7 RS4 was over there getting some new axels installed, I just didn’t know it was yours. Paul is a great…
His sister must have taken Hillary for a ride.
I’d like to throw one more factor into the mix... I am friends with a married couple who’ve had their wine-colored 2003 Camry for about 10 years now and she says the 2 dents on each side of her back bumper just APPEARED there when she would come back from shopping or whatever.
Back about 8 years ago I was looking to buy a new car and I’d settled on the Dodge Magnum, but when I couldn’t easily get a manual version I started looking elsewhere. I ended up test driving 6 other cars, among them a Mini Cooper S, a VW Rabbit, a Mazda RX8, and a Mazdaspeed 6. But the worst car of the bunch was a…
Bought my RS4 last April. I told my wife that I don’t plan to replace it any time soon. She said, “Yeah right. You get a new car every 4 years or so”, which is true, but I also answered her with “what car am I possibly going to replace it with?” Its truly the best car I've ever owned or driven.
And to that I would say that I agree that they aren’t. They are merely slapping on parts they found on ecstuning.com. Someone had to fabricate the replacement panels on the R8. It took time and expertise. Worth being called a build IMO. I guess we will agree to disagree.
Listen, a large part of a build is redesigning the way a car looks to make it markedly different than the original vehicle. Yes, I agree that it would have been a different scenario if they would have dropped a V12 in it and a new transmission, but big deal? It took a lot of work to make this car look even more…
Not just a body kit: http://www.topspeed.com/cars/audi/2011…