
Whenever I have a problem, I throw an interception,

Connor has jumped into an octagon post fight, assaulted a referee, attacked people on a bus and ufc did ABSOLUTELY nothing to punish him. So why Khabib? FUCK THAT SHIT.

Has 45 ever mentioned liking any music? Hell, any art at all? He’s so culturally bereft, so incurious, so dull it beggars belief.

Yeah, from all that’s known about this case, he either died during the parachuting (IIRC, he wasn’t wearing any special clothing and jumped from a height with a really low temperature) or died a short while after. His body was never found because he landed in the forest, died there and wild animans took care of his

It’s common at bars in the US, not restaurants.

America is still struggling with chip and pin and tap to pay infrastructure and deployment. Lots of bars ask to hold the physical card and most eateries physically take your card to a single to swipe and validate payment.

There’s only one acceptable replacement for Sanders: The statue of Buddy Jesus.

(2012-2013)—“Hubbell Flowers”

Alas, the matter did not come up in his Random Roles, which was conducted by Gwen rather than me. But maybe I can ask him about it myself one day.

Math whizzes get stitches!

“Almost 28 years after the fact, a Las Vegas TV station is claiming that an arrest is imminent in the 1996"

Easing off of military spending would free up a lot of money. Half of the reason the US is involved in foreign conflict is to control oil reserves, as well as other ulterior motives, mostly to benefit the 1%. So: bringing troops home, and cutting out a lot of the antagonistic/meddling fuckery in foreign countries.

I would bet my paycheque that this particular waitress conned all her coworkers into doing her sidework, dicked around on her tables, and spent her time flirting in the kitchen. The fact that she bitched to their manager is sign enough for me.

A little nonsense now and then,

Tiffany, the Connie of the family.

Nah, Ivanka as Michael makes so much sense. She’s the one that acts like she’s above the vulgarities of her father and his business, but deep down is an even more ruthless version of him. 

“There’s no way to automatically download podcasts you’ve subscribed to”

Emotional support animals are not service animals. Service animals have to be trained to perform tasks for a person in their everyday life, like guiding them or opening doors. An emotional support animal is just whatever critter you can get a therapist to write a note saying it makes you feel better.

It is interesting to see everyone mention how they can’t stand Gilbert. Which is totally fine, but just seems completely unnecessary to bring up in this context.