Oh my gosh, how could you leave out “The Vanishing,” which had the original director but completely ruined the ending and therefore the film. Read this slideshow just to see it mentioned, but no joy.
Oh my gosh, how could you leave out “The Vanishing,” which had the original director but completely ruined the ending and therefore the film. Read this slideshow just to see it mentioned, but no joy.
Eh, I have all the respect in the world for the man and his films, but Scorsese can fuck himself on this one. Build in a goddamn intermission. If every scene of your film is so important that it has be 3.5 hours long, then your choice is either building in an intermission or expecting theatergoers to miss several…
Katherine Ryan is hilarious. That is all.
Bummer! I may have a watched a couple of episodes of the original, but I never missed an episode of Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. It was very positive, upbeat, and lovely. I was looking forward to more. I am really over Disney+, for all the non-Marvel/non-Star Wars cancellations, and for the crap Marvel. Cancelled. I can…
This comment is a prime example of saying “I’m a racist” without saying “I’m a racist”.
Maybe worth mentioning that Michael Lewis was friends with Sean Tuohy and that they’ve known each other since they went to high school together in New Orleans (before college)? There’s nothing unbiased about his viewpoint here. And the only interesting thing is he’s claiming the Tuohys did get $350k for the movie…
it’s kind of ironic coming from Tarantino, who quite literally takes scenes from other movies. I don’t knock him for it, but it’s strange to be upset at someone else for borrowing an idea.
Okay but what we really need is Homicide: Life on the Street to be made available on streaming.
Cost to rent a movie without Ana de Armas in it: $3.99
Once again, it looked like Logan Roy (Brian Cox) was about to finally get his just deserts—only to reveal that he was, as usual, staying one step ahead of everyone else.
Sneakers. Not only was it eerily prescient about computer tech and its implications, how can you top:
Robert Redford
Sidney Poitier
Mary McDonnell
Dan Ackroyd
Ben Kingsley
David Strathairn
River Phoenix
James Earl Jones
Stephen Tobolowsky
Well look who works in Hollywood!
As a widow myself, I disagree wholeheartedly. My wife, and also the mother to our four young kiddos, passed away from cancer a little over two years ago and I am seeing someone. You don’t always get to pick when someone charms you out of your doldrums. Trying to fight off happiness is fucking futile. I tried. The…
I appreciated the parallel between Isaiah’s story of rescuing his comrades behind enemy lines and Cap’s in First Avenger. When Cap defies orders to rescue the 101st, he is lauded, and it launches his turn as an actual soldier. Isaiah did practically the same thing (and not just to rescue generally, but to prevent…
My all time favorite of his is Miracle Beach, with Ami Dolenz, Pat Morita and Alexis Arquette. There was an “uncensored” and “cleaned up” version they used to run at different times on HBO. The most unbelievable part of the story is he is fawning over a girl when he has a genie, aptly name Jeannie (Dolenz), throwing…
Be sure to check out the It’s Always Sunny... episode “The Gang Hits the Slopes,” then.
- “Our contact in the FBI...” Before I deep dive, is that a reference to someone I’m not familiar with yet?
A Cindy semi-face-turn where she becomes a Huntress-like ally to the team while still morally pretty grey would make me so happy
I maintain that the 2015 Muppets show deserved better, if only for giving us Fozzie Bear experiencing a micro-aggression.