
I’ve been reading horror stories for more than 10 years about both Singer and Dan Schneider (separate stories). I’m a bumpkin who lives out in the sticks in the middle of flyover country. How have I been knowing about this shit for well over a decade and the authorities know nothing?

I am sorry he’s in financial trouble. I am also sorry that he can’t figure out the the guy he probably voted for was the cause of it.

Such bullshit. It’s ENTIRELY one person’s fault. The degree of delusion this clown generates boggles the mind yet everyone keeps playing along like this is a “political” issue and not a plain old extortion attempt, which it obviously is. Russia may have rigged the election and installed this goober as president but he

This. One man’s temper tantrum over not getting billions for his useless racist monument is not a “both sides are equal” kind of thing.

Some took a political stance, blaming either President Donald Trump or congressional Democrats for the shutdown which is grinding the federal government to a halt

I don’t consider this any one party or persons fault. Both parties deserve equal blame on this one. Someone needs to swallow their pride and put us back to work. I would not mind an apology from both sides as well.

Government employee here, currently in my cube “working” as you can see. Most of the people in the office where i work are claiming hardships and being excused from coming in. I’m a sucker, plus i was bored sitting at home. We got the email yesterday telling us all of the soup kitchens and food pantries that are giving

Good god Francis, wtf are you doing??

-I’m here for murder, you?

Fucking great. This will legitimize the MAGA lies that Chicago is full of black men who can’t stop shooting.

Sorry, Browns legacy stayed in Cleveland per the settlement with the NFL. Modell’s stolen team started anew — Jamal Lewis did not break Jim Brown’s team rushing record, for example. Anything else is just wishful covfefe.

was the sexual assault also in a Burger King bathroom? Because I have an idea who this “Curtis Brooner” really is

I’m not taking Brooner’s side, but I fail to see how a twenty-odd year old sexual assault conviction is relevant to this matter...

A model of efficiency and timing.

He’ll be needing that straw now.

The best anime of 2018 was AICO Incarnation. It’s on Netflix, watch it already!

A Miami resident leaves temple early so he doesn’t miss out on a great deal?

First she came for the twinks, and I said nothing, because I was not a twink.

... I am not sure if I should start saying she is dabbling in being a ManGaGaKa?

... I’ll see myself out

that mac & cheese is literally separate but equal