I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
Fucking typical. Man steals important moment, makes it about him or inserts himself (like the guy who proposes when his girlfriend just completed a marathon or won an Olympic medal). And now she’s forced to take the high road and be the better person, when she did nothing wrong.
Very mad that Minaj has put me in a position where I have to stand up for anything the Daily Mail ever does. This world is broken.
SHAME ON YOU! There's no reason to be sorry.
I’m sorry, but Nicki Minaj has exactly zero credibility. Period.
Yes. Don't protect the dumb fuck. Let him be the dumb fuck everyone knows he is. If Obama was a dumbass, Republicans would've let him talk for hours.
Counterpoint: Babe Ruth living today, in a country with legal alcohol, internet pornography, and being paid tens of millions of dollars a year, would be dead within 12 months. It’s like when Bender became human in that one Futurama episode.
This take is so hot my eyebrows wilted away to nothing. Somebody get me a sharpie.
What annoyed me most is how Speaker Pelosi, being as polite and thoughtful as she could be (to a fault), wanted this to be a private meeting, out of respect to President Trump, so he wouldn’t appear dumb.
I think overall athlete improvement happens even faster than we realize.
guessing a high proportion of actual handwritten letters. or aol.com email addresses
Honestly, where the hell do these people come up with this shit? I’ve never heard anything close to this in my entire life. It’s just insane gibberish. “You know what they say: ‘If you smell under a bird’s wing twice a day, you’ll get hair in your food!’”
How the fuck did all of those “moderates” not know he’d do all of the repulsive shit he did in those first two years?
Ah, “teh anxiety de economy”.
All that economic anxiety really made them blind to what he was truly suggesting.
But it’s that very assumption of good faith by well-moneyed and powerful media gatekeepers that should absolutely know better that enables the bad-faith scam artists to continue running their scams. It’s not like in 2010 there was a circumstance where pushing supply-side BS was not an obvious scam.
Assuming an obvious scam artist is not a scam artist is a reasonable starting point...?
Sounds like Vox needs someone Better Than Ezra, you know, someone Good.
Some people may actually know what ass tastes like.