
The Manager at Anderlecht is former Manchester City Captain and Belgian National teammate Vincent Company. Might have something to do with it.

There were a number of people demanding that Wolverine wear yellow spandex in live-action X-Men movies. I agree with Jim Carrey.

That’s why I don’t like reading Charles’s diveristy articles. There are authors in the Gawker family that write good articles about diversity and the lack there of in some cases. Charles often starts with a faulty predetermined premise (like his “Westworld will be racist to Japanese culture” article), and fill the

Toei being cheap? Color me surprised.

Most dubs turn anime into cartoons.

Togashi’s wife, the author of Sailor Moon, has been helping out on the illustrations.

An unexpected, flaccid, uncircumcised penis on a flabby male body is always an unwelcome guest. The show gave plenty of warning, but I still wasn’t ready. It’s just as off-putting on TV as it is in a 24-Hour Fitness locker room. I remember line from Blossom that said, “A naked man is like an undecorated Christmas

It’s too late. You can’t save it. Nice walkback attempt though. “A” for effort.

Projectile vomiting is the first thing I thought of.

My Business Law professor in college told us when dealing with the police, give them your name and keep your mouth shut. His quote, “If they have enough to arrest you, they wouldn’t be talking to you.” That advice helped a young, stupid me from talking myself into a night of jail. I heard “Right to remain silent...”

They are likely being outed because they have Facebook installed on the phone they use for escorting or porn work. A phone number search on Facebook will often pull the real world info for sex workers who don’t use a separate number for work.

The high school I went to gave 5 points for an “A” in an Honors class, and 4 points for an “A” in a General class. I assumed that was standard.

The make-up artists on the SyFy show Face Off could do a better job than this.

It looks like burlap. Like potato sacks.

That looks like a 70’s Doctor Who character. Burlap covered hockey pads... For real?

You're an awful human being. Why couldn't he think of your entertainment before making a final decision about his health? Losing players is part of the business whether it's by choice or career-ending injury. It's football, I think the 49ers can fucking manage. Stop being a baby about a game. It ain't that serious.

Have you seen "The Last Airbender"?

Koh the Facestealer never made his way back into the Avatar Universe even with the Spirit Portals being opened by Korra.

Is this "story you heard a while back" even real? The Internet, I tell ya.