
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” - but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against an American when chess is on the line!

I’ve been trying to convince friends that shower beers are a thing for a long time. I’ve been playing beach volleyball every summer for years and nothing beats a cold beer in the shower as soon as I get home.

One thing I always notice is that the stupid horn at Gillette Stadium is way louder than the actual fans. They blow this fucking foghorn every third down and it’s obnoxiously loud. Isn’t that the same thing as pumping in crowd noise.

Does Chuck Palahniuk know you’re stealing his shtick?

The TGT Wallet is great! I’ve had mine for a few years now and I still love it. I clicked on this post just to nominate it because I want more people to experience the awesome-ness.

The TGT Wallet is great! I’ve had mine for a few years now and I still love it. I clicked on this post just to

I scrolled to the bottom just to see a “Getting Hit by the Olympic Torch Relay Runner” joke but it wasn’t there. I’m disappointed.

My invitation must have gotten misplaced by the postman (he drinks...A LOT.) Who should I ask for when I arrive to fix this little mixup?

Gotta be the Cards. Why?

It’s gotta be Schilling. I hate to give this asshole any type of award but his bigoted B.S. takes the cake in this category.

This Struts stuff is weak.

Didn’t these guys win this award already?

Doormat salesman has to be the top job.

From the NFL Twitter account:

I’ll admit. I laughed when I read the “Darth Zimmerman” burn but other than that this post is garbage.

Maybe I'm reading this wrong but it almost sounds like you feel bad for Smith here.

Hell yes!

Yes! This is definitely worthy of the DHOF.

I got his a while back from TGT and I love it. It's small, durable and fits everything I carry (10-11 cards and about $7 cash most of the time.)