
Heard didn’t have to prove that she was telling the truth, the Sun newspaper had to demonstrate that it was reporting in good faith and used Heard’s testimony among others in its defense. The judge ruling that the Sun’s report was “substantially true” does not mean the allegations were proven beyond a reasonable

I know! Heard had to prove in the UK courts that she was telling the truth. So what if she has had bizarre and/or violent behavior as well? That doesn’t invalidate what was done to her. Like, I have no horse in this race, but this shit is bonkers.

Normal Barrett? All business, all about that dying planet. Amano Barrett? This guy fucks. He’s got a regular stage show at Honeybee Inn, works out at the nearby gym, and disappears the first night the party reaches a new town, only to have some wild stories the next morning at brunch. “...guys, I have no idea where I

I’m willing to put down some solid money on someone who is involved with the production of this show being the creator of this “Experience” OR at the very least they found out about it and nudged the kid toward finding it, specifically to manufacture this piece of drama for the show.

I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately...

Utada recently said they’ve been struggling with a persistent sinus infection that’s lasted a few years and just won’t go away. They even considered quitting singing.

“Someone turn up her monitor for her” was all I could think of! I’ve heard her nail this song live before.

Based on my experience as a stage performer back in the day, my guess is that she couldn’t hear herself in her monitor very well, which makes singing on pitch a huge pain in the ass. I’ve seen other live performances of this where she nails it, so I’m pretty confident it was audio issues.

Man her monitors must have been jacked cause that was piiiitchy.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say Utada Hikaru and “Simple and Clean” made Kingdom Hearts, which isn’t to say KH is bad, the song is just that good. Even though the lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with the game or the plot, the song’s emotional impact matches perfectly with the dream-like quality of KH’s

Right?? This character can be as important as they’d like and also be black, but like...she’s the 33rd f-ing character. They just has to make one of the female characters black ffs.

Nah, I don’t think that’s a good enough answer, and I think it kind of misses the point.

poes law on this post.

They did say she’s a problem solver! XD

They didn’t have a scandal involving a governor to distract from before.

This might be the dumbest take on it yet. Yes let’s cheer on a mega corporation suing and jailing programmers so a game they already abandoned can continue to not exist. They are gaining nothing out of this.

Far better than that site deserved. Hopefully it closes down.

Let me guess his upcoming video is going to go like this: something something cancel culture something something I’m really not an asshole but... I’m the asshole?

There’s a real youth neo-nazi alt-right population that is growing.

The racist shitbags came out of their racist closets when Trump happened. He empowered them to “tell it like it is”