
Her music is great, especially her early low-fi stuff. Somebody doesn’t have to be talentless to be annoying.

Everytime I try to read a sentence like that, it feels like my brain has to preform a full shut down and reboot just to comprehend it, haha.

This must of bee Microsoft’s plan from the start to destroy America.

Come on, what’s confusing about a product line with titles like the Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X? :D

I wouldn’t downplay the utter clusterfuck that was the wii/wii u branding fiasco though...

On one end we have Sony, whose naming scheme is a bit boring, but consistent and easy to follow. On the other you have Nintendo whose names are varied, but at least have some kind of reasoning behind the names that ties to the console’s features (except for Wii and Wii U from what I can tell).

OK, boomer

“When did the college admissions scandal break?”

It’s really been 400 years American Standard time.

He’s never been funny or clever. A Felicity Huffman joke about making license plates? Really? When did the college admissions scandal break? Why not throw a Martha Stewart prison joke in there as well. I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve never been a fan of “mean” humor, which is not to say I don’t appreciate a good dark

If white people really could control themselves we wouldn’t be looking at an international clusterfuck six days into 2020

Perhaps the Time Lords subscribe to the same myth many human societies do, that “offense is the best defense, just kill them first and you’ll live”. Until you don’t kill them first and then you have no protection from their wrath... *Insert Twelve’s Zygon war speech here*

Gallifrey is a glass cannon, I swear. ONE disgruntled Time Lord with experience and motivation can ABSOLUTELY DESTROY THE PLANET WITH NOMINAL EFFORT. This has happened TWO TIMES. To one of the most POWERFUL SOCIETIES EVER TO EXIST. Come on, Gallifrey, you got the firepower, now up your defense!

White people, it has been 2020 for 6 days! 6!!! Control yourselves!

The way those X’s are wiggling makes me extremely uncomfortable.

I saw the episode. He says no problem finding women with these. Like, ok...

i wonder how many times he tittyfucked a buddy when drunk.

This guy is still milking this particular cow? I remember hearing about this when I was like 9. And while I ain’t really that old, I ain’t really that young, either.

Come on, Bobby. Let’s have some decency here.

I suspect we’re going to be seeing a lot more of that gif. It’s just tailor-made for posting in future comments.

Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.