
Anyone else getting sick of the obligatory Stan Lee cameo? They were cute, but jeez, enough.

Well, it's not like they got anything else right.

I had only watched the original films mere hours before seeing the new one, so while my tears weren’t based in nostalgia (though I very dearly love the originals now, I wish they had been part of my childhood) the new one is just so lovely, SO lovely. As someone seeing it for the first time, I’m glad it was sort of

There is a reason this is my profile image

I had a brief brush with something that sounds a bit like delusional parasitosis, many years before I was finally diagnosed with OCD, when I was probably at my absolute lowest point. I was convinced I had a plantar’s wart on the bottom of my foot, and if I just kept digging, I could get it out. I sat there for what

Delusional parasitosis is a brutal condition, and one of there very few where I’d say that if homeopathic quackery convinced her she was cured then by all means encourage that belief.

I still see hairs sometimes but now I question whether they’re actually there or not. The tipping point was probably when my mum came to visit and she saw my arms and started crying because she thought my boyfriend was stubbing cigarettes out on me. I talked to her about the hairs and explained that I knew the most

I was anorexic, chronically sleep-deprived (like going 3-8 days without sleep, never sleeping every night) and on drugs which exacerbated both of those conditions so I think just eating and sleeping more would have helped. I moved hundreds of miles away from my dealer for summer and beat the addiction and everything

Fibromyalgia is very definitely a physical disease.

thanks! I’m actually glad I went through it because it gave me a unique perspective on Morgellons and really helped me help my mum deal with the stress of trying to help her sister/my aunt.

I knew someone who had a friend stay with her upon her return from India - who may or may NOT have accidentally introduced bedbugs into her home. She had her home treated several times, took all the precautions, had some maybe scammers with a bedbug sniffing dog check out her place with imprecise results...and years

My aunt “has” Morgellons. I “had” something similar in 2010. I was obsessed with ingrown hairs, to the point that I believed I had almost twice as much hair as I actually had, but it was ‘trapped’ under the skin of my scalp and therefore I had to free it with my fingernails. I waxed all the skin off my chin because I

Actually, according to this (old-conducted in 2008 but just published; I wonder why it had such a hard time getting published?) article you posted, a considerable debate does not exist as ‘“We were not able to conclude based on this study whether this unexplained dermopathy represents a new condition, as has been

The line between physical and psychiatric pain is so blurry. For example I’m a stress puker. Which side of the line is my nausea on? Isn’t it both?

The fact that their symptoms are bound to psychiatric disorder does not lessen their pain but enhances it.

It’s much more likely that the fibers are simply sticking to spots of dermatitis and places where they’ve picked at their skin.

In the summer of 2002, I came home from college to find all the furniture in my mother’s home piled in the center of the living room as she attacked it with some sort of spray. My sister, who just finished first grade, had a head lice scare at school and she was being proactive.

I feel like this highlights the insanity in trying to split diseases into physical and mental with the idea that “physical” diseases are somehow more real than other diseases. Your central nervous system sending you false cues about your skin is no more or less real than anything else.

“Some were also nerve fibers: in extreme cases of delusional parasitosis, patients will dig practically to the bone in a futile effort to stop the pain.”

If the majority of the fibers examined are clothing materials, I wonder if there’s the possibility that this is somehow a skin permeability disorder... that is, microscopic fragments of cotton, nylon, or whatever else are able to wedge their way into the skin or pores and accumulate until they start triggering foreign