
“people of diversity”

Now you can be he Xenomorph you’ve always dreamed of!

This is pretty alarmist, especially considering the other GMG article. This one should probably be redone. 

Agreed. Since you mentioned it - I’m a diehard Destiel shipper, but real people shipping & fics and shit is just totally unacceptable. Just because two people are close friends in real life doesn’t mean they’re fucking or that there’s a conspiracy to cover up that fact. If they got something going on on the down low

One could call it Homopathic! lmao

I thought she meant eye patches like, pirate-style eyepatches.

Spotted a typo! “Craig and Rose” should be “Greg and Rose” - I was like wait, who the heck is Craig?

Maleficent. It’s a little different from the others in that it’s not a shot-for-shot remake or a reboot. It’s a pretty total re-imagining with gorgeous visuals, a good message, and a riveting performance by Jolie!

spider-cup, spider-cup


Not true, this isn’t a real quote from him:

I have Joy Launcher and Joy Recorder on my phone. They came pre-installed. My phone is an Alcatel. What do?

Oh god, there’s even one for Shane Dawson now? Stan culture is fucking nuts lmao

Don’t the later two require Raids to obtain though?

Same. I wish there was a way to do solo raid battles. Maybe a weaker Pokemon or a longer amount of time to whittle down their HP? I found a 3-Star Alolan Raichu raid was happening during the busted Rocket Day so I spent an hour trying to beat it. I got it down to less than 10% HP numerous times but the timer kept

I’m curious if the comparison between a full year of 2019 and a half year of 2016 is really apt? Since the game came out in July 2016, that means it earned that much money in just five months. So even if 2019 raked them in more cash, it’s definitely not at the same speed.

Links pls? I’d love to read about that

I know, right? My trans ass would LOVE to take by my purchase and enjoyment of her books when I was a kid, but WD21 and their ilk haven’t put effort into inventing time machines for us yet!

This is some nasty shit, but I’m glad she finally just came out and showed her ass so the naysayers can stop pretending It Was An Accident!!!1. And I’m glad that people are seeing this and giving her flack for it. This isn’t acceptable, author of a huge chunk of the populace’s childhoods or not.

He also gives a really informative interview here: