
Have you tried putting the pills in something you *can* swallow, like pudding or applesauce? It’s a trick a lot of hospitals and nursing homes use for people who have mechanical trouble swallowing pills :3

Unfortunately, I’m pretty tall so I usually end up bending a bit anyway! Haha!

Oh, same. I always do the L hand gestures to keep myself oriented in the right direction, but sometimes I have to stare for a few seconds to remember which one is right. I didn’t miss classes on it or anything, but I’ve noticed that that kind of spatial thinking in general is a bit more difficult for me so it’s prob

I love that Fox News couldn’t even be bothered to spell “Babylon” right.

I can’t ride a bike OR swim!!

I stopped watching after they killed off Lincoln and Lexa. Did the show ever get better after that?

Sometimes you find that the collective consciousness decides it wants something and then when it gets it, it goes, ‘OK, I don’t want it’...

Was that post the last anyone heard from her?

Apparently she’s producing a show with Weatherly though??

Do you have any of those on hand? On mobile, Googling is difficult atm

Unless they were Good Things TM. Then “we” did them!

It’s not, but try worldofsteven

I thought it was more like a crystal ball, not a fish bowl??

There’s going to be at least one more season after the movie.

If you preform cartus outside marriage, you’re condemned to Cartarus!

I’m sure her 30,102 jade pussy eggs keep her company the other three nights of the week.

Tessa is bisexual! And Valkyrie is bi, too -- they had a scene showcasing that in Ragnarok and both her and Waititi fought to keep it in but it got cut!

allieterator’s out here eating tongues

My dad watches that show. I happened to be in the kitchen during an episode revolving around the blonde character’s alcoholism and lack of forgiveness of her mother’s shitty momming that was really powerful. I walked into the living room and had him rewind it. It was really powerful, important stuff - not something

Yeah, exactly -- the way the game treats her is super cheap and creepy and fanservice-y especially as she’s textually not okay with it