
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I think she’ll show up and talk about that. If not now, eventually. Though... If the Doctor really has had his memory wiped... I wonder how that conversation will go...

I’m fine with this!!

That thought just occurred to me when I woke up a few minutes ago. I need this to happen.

the final scene:

  • Leader of the Armed Forces of Gallifrey’s [LAFG] pre-regeneration was on Atlantis I think :O

It’s not that all companions do that, it’s that Clara has been the only one so far with whom he has formed an intense, codependant, somewhat toxic relationship with. He’s never tried to train someone to be like him before, and no one’s ever been as enthusiastically receptive to it as her.

“Based on the season, I was almost convinced Missy had something to do with it, “

“The Hybrid is what happens when someone with the ability to exist for near perpetuity is ‘married’ to a mortal”

“Destroying the Doctor’s time with her does not build Clara up; it makes her a horrible person, and a stupid one for handing that neural device to the Doctor knowing full well what it would do.”

No explanation, but Me sure by that point she had access to innumerable technologies that could help her. Neural implants, supercomputers, that sort of thing. They’d totally have that that far into the future. Or maybe she just studied up on the Doctor.

Me said the Chameleon Circuit wasn’t working and seemed to be looking at some kind of manual.

He basically went grief-induced manic. I feel like a lot of people aren’t getting that - even though it was both shown and Clara could SEE it, hence her worried and afraid questioning. It’s not about Moffat going, How Completely Amazing Clara Is!!!1, it’s about the Doctor having simultaneously zero and far too much

Dente Who?

Me actually doesn’t have another immortality patch, at least not one from the Mire given to her by the Doctor - they used that on that Sam guy in her second episode, the one that was being used as a death portal or whatever that was~

I absolutely love how completely and utterly gay that song is in this context!!!!!!

I think they might have learned that - which is why the guard was so ready to join up with the Doctor! They were like “no, fuck Rassilon, he lead us into this shit and is horrible, literally anyone would be better! especially the Doctor! our hero!”

Perhaps Me knew the Doctor was coming.

No, he faced her death. He mourned her for 4.5 billion years. Every single clone or duplication of him grieved for her. That, on top of numerous other reasons, pushed his resolve to do what he did in the Confession Dial and con the Time Lords even more. Sometimes people go off the rails when they grieve, no matter how

Now playing

Merry Christmas! Here’s a supercut for you! :DD