
I agree completely with your commentary about the relationships in it! It’s one of the things that keeps me watching. I feel like this is one of the few shows to accurately portray that people who care about one another can fuck up and hurt each other AND how to handle that.

Elementary-Sherlock is also still compassionate, loving, and loyal. He has this huge amount of humanity that I find BBC-Sherlock lacks. The latter is just an off-putting monster that manipulates his “friends” and never treats others as human beings worthy of respect and dignity. Elementary-Sherlock *does*, and he

  • “(whose name, I have been forcibly reminded, is Caspar)” can’t be damned to spell Renautas right tho huh
  • The Haitian has a name. It’s Rene.

I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who thought it was obviously Parkman and that the ~dramatic reveal~ was both padding and a failure.

Journeyed the Earth? Soooo... walked back to Odessa?

Oh yeah, I think it’s Phoebe’s doing, too.

Omnitake *

It says in the bio pic in this article

“inspired by African-American aviators who’d gone to fight the Italian fascists in the skies over Ethiopia in 1935”

Holy shit, that should NOT have been cut. Damn. Like... damn. That not only would’ve made those episodes completely different, but, as you said, really showed Ten for how arrogant and selfish he was and what consequences that has in every event he involves himself in. The Waters of Mars’ ending would have been

On top of that, speeding. On an obviously-wet road. Fucking horrible.

I’m honestly surprised Meta didn’t use some variation on the phrase “stop kinkshaming me”.

Same, mosquitoes. Same.

Good to know Dick Stoner has helped create a better way to water the crop. Wink wink.

You’re a transmisogynist.

The way he removed her from power was so gross and unsettling and sexist... It’s a shame he’s never really held accountable to it.

I’m kind of surprised how neutrally you wrote about number 7. That fell squarely on the side of... I don’t know how to articulate it, but I think it’s clearest when the Doctor says not to bomb a Zygon village because “you’ll radicalize them all!” instead of “you’re a fucking demon for even thinking of that that’s

Michael Cera as Robin

Ooooooh wow! That’s really interesting, especially number 3. I’m not sure how they’d work it in the rules, but that’s actually a really cool idea.