
Oh no, you have proven wrong a point I made and prefaced by “I think”. Whatever shall I do?

But Zygons literally copy the forms of people, clothes included???

There’ve been other things like that, though. I don’t know when Planet B came out, but things like .//hack and Code Lyoko involve humans able to cross over into virtual worlds and in bad cases separating from their bodies. Tons of others too, I’m sure.

My point is that up until this point almost all of the original Heroes who remain have been duped in some way. HRG and Hiro were literally working with Renautas, completely unaware of their plans. I could easily see Matt being in that situation, too.

You do realize that I’m speculating on future plot reveals, right?
You do realize that I allow that it may not specifically be Parkman when I say, “It could also be another psychic like Parkman”, right?

  • Why do people find Zygons scary?

Kill the Moon was a “pro choice metaphor” in that pro choice was ultimately defeated and painted as wrong.

Now, as for the rest of your reply:

Oh my god, he even wrote Kill The Abortion Metaphor? That explains so much. Your interpretation of him as a person is spot on, I’m sure.

Two-parters are different than serials from Classic Who. I think time-wise, but also, the pace of some of the ones this season has been really weird.

I think Charlie Jane even mentioned why this group of Zygons was “radicalizing”: it was because a Zygon child was murdered when they accidentally revealed their true form. The “Truth Zygons” have literally screamed this entire episode that they just want to be able to live as themselves and not be persecuted or

I like Osgood in this. She’s very cool, and I’m glad she’s evolved past just being a gros stereotype of Whovians.

It’s not even that it was “too on the nose”. This episode was literally xenophobic propaganda.

I agree with you completely.

“The Zygons, settling among us, are somewhat like immigrants—a parallel that’s actually highlighted a few times in this episode.”

Close! Die Antwoord.

Oh yeah, it’s absolutely pisspoor writing regardless.

Noooo, don’t even joke about that! Don’t give Tim Kring any more bad ideas!!!

Assorted thoughts:

I like Mohinder, though he was GROSS to Maya. Capital letters GROSS.