
Korrasami happened but, more trailblazingly, Ruby and Sapphire happened and happens on Steven Universe.

as a Moffat hater, I can assure you that’s not how it works. I think this is gorgeous. Moffat runs a shitshow, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t a fantastic alien design.

Wow. Holy total shit. That’s fucking awful. I don’t care how much of a beautiful trainwreck this show it is, this gross-ass trash representation of lesbian and bi women means I will never watch this. UGH that’s so gross jfc thank you for informing me

What was the part about it setting back LGBTQAIP representation 20+ years in reference to? I don’t watch the show, but I’m curious if it did something in particular other than everyone being cis het (a crime which unfortunately most media follows so it’s status quo)

I think they’re referencing the old Silver Age comics with the heroes and villains doing weird shit. Like Lex Luthor stealing 40 cakes.

What’s evil enough a food? Kentucky Fried Corpses?

Perhaps he had on a constriction ring to remove the possibility of getting an erection, since they stop bloodflow going in and coming out.

Not horror as in scary, right? But horror as in like watching intensive surgery?

Because the Doctor wasn’t there when this happened. He wasn’t with River when this happened.

Didn’t someone say they can’t die though?

I urge you to reconsider her not being your favorite character! C:

I cried at Garnet’s bit honestly. She’s such a loving sweetheart I’m getting emotional even as I type this

I don’t think Peridot’s naivete and not knowing much about Earth without her computer makes her “youthful”. It’s culture shock, which isn’t tied to youth. I don’t think she’s young at all, and it’s been demonstrated repeatedly in the show that gems aren’t “old” or “young’.

I think that only works specific contexts. Vegeta was a pompous asshole rival. It’s something that falls under a type of Heel-Face turn, but it’s not a synonym IMO

I don’t remember which writer said it nor what to google to look for it, but I believe one of the writers specifically said that Jasper is not a fusion this summer.
Edit: Nvm, someone beat me to it!

It hadn’t been ages since the plot advanced priot to this episode. It advanced during the last Stevenbomb, but it seems like it’s been longer due to the hiatus between the last episode of that and the first weekly episode.

Customer to Server: “How many flavors do Witch Cakes come in?”

Don’t forget S3 of the original show. I wouldn’t be surprised if this were government-funded, as it is IRL.

Or better yet: BOTH of their memories are being altered by a third party’s powers.

Check the names for the Dark Matters prequel minisodes. It’s A, not U.