
I was referring in general to her beliefs and how she applied them here. It's not that she believes in keeping promises and such, it's how she works in her credo. Her niece ABSOLUTELY HAS TO PAY HER BACK no matter what - the problem with this is that life can very very easily eat up money. Expenses that mean nothing

What about food? Water bills? Shelter expenses, like rent? What if her car breaks down and she needs to repair it so she can get to the damn job and make money to pay her blowhard capitalist aunt?

See, but she wasn't trolling her niece. This was what she honestly believed. She was fully committed to this. She wasn't saying this to get a rise out of her - This is Sincere Ayn Rand. And that's the scariest part!

I'll be so disappointed if he doesn't stab someone with his three random head-spikes.

"There's a reason Scar is considered Disney's most evil villain, and it's entirely because of Irons' voice." Also, queercoding (though many other Disney villains are also queercoded, I feel like Scar is one of the prime examples).

I hope that in doing so, they'll move away from the uncomfortable and forced social media references!

Spot-on Draco Malfoy cosplay.

So, Tom Cruise is a Sith Lord.

I watched this on Chiller the other day with my dad. I think there were a lot of elements here that had promise but were ultimately poorly executed. Like, Bill Goldberg as Satan's son Santa via immaculate conception opposite Jesus is absolutely INCREDIBLE, it's too bad we didn't get to see more of him killing people

inb4 "vamping" is used as an illustration of millenials' "entitlement" and how we're "destroying society via vamping"

For the record - many mental illnesses and disorders start manifesting in late adolescence and early adulthood. Sleep and MIs/Ds though really often act as a vicious cycle, though - I mean, hell, irregular sleep patterns (insomnia or hypersomnia for reference) are often symptoms of something that's going on.

I don't understand what you mean by your post in that you say "take away cell phones" and then acknowledge this has been happening since times immemorial. Was it sarcasm?? You seemed to illustrate the point that if we take one thing away it'll just happen elsewhere.

And if Benedict Crumblrbump were actually a good person and also attractive.

"in the '1%', but not of the '1%'" what does this mean?

Never has anyone made holding a disembodied brain so sexy. Smoulder, House. Smoulder.

Whomever introduced social media and selfies to Moff should be launched into the center of the Earth. We are all paying dearly for their misguided actions.

Soooo whatever happened to the child Danny killed and used his Get Out of Heaven Free card on?

It's sort of odd to me that people still find LOOK AT THE THING/DON'T LOOK AT THE THING/DON'T [X] THE THING scary or suspenseful. Pretty much all of Moff's monsters are that, and it's incredibly boring by this point. There are plenty of ways to make things scary without invoking that nonsense, and the minute it was

Why the flying tittyfuck was the "that's racist/no it's not" thing necessary in the fucking least?

I haven't seen it, but I need to say: it being or not being some amount of satire doesn't not make it anti-Korea propaganda.