Yep. I always figured that game is way more fun to watch than to actually play.

This is perfect for a fellow like myself, who was enchanted by the game’s lovingly recreated Fleischer Bros aesthetic, and also sucks quantum amounts of ass at bullet hell games.

That bar attracts its own kind of madness.

It was a giveaway when Irving said “Hi I am Mikey, long time listener, second year Celtic”

Bone hugs in harmony.

West On West: My Charmed, Tormented Life

Does Jerry West support trump? Privately, probably yes. Does that mean he sucks as a human? Yes.

I think maybe the writer and people like me as well, who probably admire Jerry West a bit more then the writer, would prefer it if West took a stand here and passed on this opportunity. I know a lot of people say that it’s not about supporting who the current president is and more so respecting the office but the

Evans: “....don’t ruin this moment Mackie.” “...just say ‘Cut the check,’ Mackie.” :) 

Six-gunnin’ this, brother runnin’ this

Wow. So, he got in one little fight and his mom got scared. She said, “You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.”

Young Will Smith clearly wants revenge on old Will Smith for turning down The Matrix in favor of Wild Wild West.

I thought Davos serving soup was sweet, and the child with the burn on her face reminding him of Shireen may have been saccharine, but it worked for me.

With the clusterf**k that was the lead up...they delivered a hell of a match/story in the ring. Rowan and the New Day got involved, but it wasn’t a bunch of fuckery. Just two guys wrestling and the good guy’s buddies making sure the bad guy’s muscle didn’t interfere.

You could tell from the crowd, but they blew their emotional load with Kofi’s win and was never able to get the crowd back. Corbin’s win, Batista/HHH....it was all so flat.

Jellyfish kills everybody

Everyone seems to have completely forgotten Looper which just makes me sad lol. 

Christ, that storyline. There was literally only one way that match should’ve ended, and they did the opposite so that Triple H could have a series of shit main events with Kevin fuckin’ Nash.

This is the only match I care about at this Sunday’s WrestleMania. It feels like Roomba/The Man got dragged out too long (along with Charlotte doing Asuka dirty last week). I don’t care about Bork because he’s probably going to retain. Reigns v. McIntyre is a non-event. AJ v. Orton could be good if they bring their A

The worst story in WWE history