Wow, I’ve lived outside of DC pretty much my entire life and I’d never heard this story. 

Interesting, because since Hardhome, I’ve thought about it the other way. the white walkers have always been this rising threat. Ignored by most, but dire enough to render everything else completely meaningless. I still think the story ends with someone taking the Iron Throne, but almost out of attrition. 

If Matt Bomer doesn’t get this gig, he should fire his agent. 

A shame. Smith and Gun seem like a perfect pairing. 

I cam her to say this exactly this re: Dany. We saw her suffer early on which made her sympathetic. And the whole “breaker of chains thing” made her seem heroic. But she’s as vicious and cruel as any other ruler on the show, and it’s all in service of power. She’s not a good guy.

This is a bullshit take by Stern, but the narrative that Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf got blackballed is bullshit too. He didn’t get forced out of the league, he went to go play overseas while the league was locked out. He eventually came back. 

Fair. I always forget about Hancock, mainly because it disappointed me so. Although that character was of an unlikable asshole, whereas Neo was more of a moody/emo wallflower. 

Yeah, I like Will a lot, but his vibe wouldn’t have worked for that movie. I keep thinking about scenes like the “I know kung-fu” line. It’s funny as is because Reeves delivery is so sincere. Will would have actually been TRYING to be funny, which would have made it less funny. Also, both guys are honestly to good

Jesus. 2016 is forever. People other than Bernie and Hillary exists. 

Meh. I’ll pass. I’ve watched three of these, and the only thing that seems to link them is that find some way horrible way to kill the one black person in the story. 

The Youtube numbers on that Alexa bit are stunning. It was creepy and dumb and pointless. I cant imagine how that would satisfy anyone’s porn fix.

if I’m not mistaken, Vince once okayed a storyline that involved his own daughter getting drugged and raped. The company will be a lot better off once he’s no longer involved.

And movies make money because people like them. Never understood why it was a bad thing to make movies that people might like. 

That may be true, but what that says is that Lebron didn’t stifle him either. Kyrie became a great player next to Lebron because he was always going to be a great player. Perhaps the reason Ball and Ingram haven’t gotten to the next level is because they were never going to. 

This makes more sense than doing a Space Jam sequel with Lebron now.

I understand karmically why people would push for D and C to tell his wife about the affair. But practically, I don’t really see an upside to it for anyone. If he does what Doc advises - divorce and stay mum on the side piece -that’s probably the best possible outcome to a shitty situation. Someone below said he

Bird Box is based on a book from five years ago. They’ve been working on a film adaptation since 2015. The script for A Quiet Place wasn’t done until 2016. 

This comment deserves its own Kinja page. 

That’s one extremely recent case and the only one supporting the argument. And even then, he did ONE Prince song, with the rest being all from his catalog. So it’s a bit of stretch to say last year was “focused” on Prince. The year they actually had Prince do it wasn’t a Minnesota year. The year they were in Jersey,

Has the NFL ever done city-specific acts for the SB? It’s weird that so many people are in their feelings over them picking M5 and not Usher or Migos. I’d love to see Goodie Mob and Outkast up there together, but that’s never been the NFL’s style. Maroon 5 seems perfectly calibrated to split the difference between the