This is bad and dumb.
This is bad and dumb.
The best argument against rigging in the NBA is that the Knicks haven’t won a title since ‘73, and have only been sporadically relevant. Like if you were running a fixed league, you’d at least throw your biggest market a bone every now and then, right?
Call off the investigation. I think we found the guy.
I thought it was fine. My biggest problem with it was it was the first movie in the series that didn’t feel like a standalone. When you’re watching 10 Cloverfield Lane, you’re trying to figure out what connects it to the first movie, and all ‘Paradox’ is is connective tissue. Hearing the premise for the fourth movie,…
No, they just give medals to 2nd and 3rd place. Shut up, dummy.
I understand your wariness. I think at this point though when Ds talk about bipartisanship, it’s a euphemism for sanity. They need to get back to environment where deals are allowed. If both sides start demanding ideological purity, then we’re going over a cliff. And it sucks that the Ds have to be the adults in the…
So what’s the alternative for the minority party? And what are the prospects for government in general if everyone decides that the capacity to compromise is a weakness?
Wait, pouring wine = date rape? Was he pouring it directly down her throat? Again, it was a gross move on his part. But she was still in a position to refuse it.
Hmmm…I’m not really asserting either. I guess my position is, the decisions she made at the beginning of the interaction I think made it necessary for her to be a bit more forceful in her objections later. Agreeing to go back to his apartment, the kissing, the oral sex…these are all things she consented to. After all…
See, I think Ansari was being very clear about what he wanted. There was no confusion about his goal was. She could have been just as clear in her lack of interest.
That’s what you said, yes? About me? I just want to make sure I have that right. Anyway, it doesn’t appear you’re interested in talking to me anymore, so enjoy you’re Friday.
I think if you don’t get a yes, that pretty much ends the interaction, right?
You’re making A LOT of assumptions about me, Angry Internet Person. I’m saying, ‘This situation was confusing.’ Yet you’re reading as ‘I’m a rapist looking for loopholes.’
Fair enough. Backing off if there’s confusion is definitely the safest way to go. I just think she could have done more to eliminate the confusion.
Is that “clearly” what I am? I’m asking why she wouldn’t just say “no.” I’m asking why she would give him a blowjob if she wasn’t interested in having sex. I’m not looking for rules I can violate. I’m looking for clarity. I don’t think that’s unfair.
I agree that would be the best solution, provided women are willing to say “no.”
Sure. I’m just not convinced that that will be the reality in most interactions. Is the idea that before a guy initiates any contact, he waits for a woman to say, “It’s okay to touch me?” Would women be okay saying that?
Sure. I’m just not convinced that that will be the reality in most interactions. Is the idea that before a guy initiates any contact, he waits for a woman to say, “It’s okay to touch me?” Would women be okay saying that?
A lot of this conversation has revolved around Ansari’s inability or refusal to read nonverbal cues. It seems we’ve evolved from “No means no” to “Why should I even have to say no?” which seems like a doorway to a LOT of situations like this. But whaever.
This was fine. I’ll probably keep watching. Although more than anything, it made me miss Better Off Ted.