I was having a particularly horrendous morning and put the dog on the wrong side of the baby gate as I was preparing to leave. Lucky for me, my dog is so terribly thoughtful that she leaped into the "enclosed" side to save me the effort.

The best part was obviously the bamf dog with three legs at the end.

What's wrong with this? I'm surprised Jezebel is coming down on this. I don't smoke pot but there is absolutely nothing wrong with people who do - it hurts no one it's the most harmless drug there is. It absolutely should be legal. Props to Miley for giving it media attention.

Owning up and saying, "I messed up, I am sorry" in such a public way? SUPER ROMANTIC! (I am not being sarcastic!)

I cannot agree with you strongly enough. Retta is criminally under used on Parks and Rec.

But only if Donna is a cast member as well!

His new Netflix special is hysterical! He needs his own show, maybe when Parks & Rec ends Tom Haverford can have his own spinoff?

I'm actually more concerned about the abuse of the snakes. It seems to me like the massage sessions might cause them quite a bit of stress if they have to do for prolonged periods of time.

nobody was going to watch a show about a woman who had casual sex and threw a guy out the night before her first day of work, that that was completely unrealistic and nobody wanted to know that woman

Because they just pretend to be lesbians because that's the cool thing to do. In reality, they're all just big sluts who seduce college athletes and other defenseless dudes and then cry rape. Plus, most women who get abortions aren't even pregnant. They just go in once or twice a month to get their uterus cleaned out

It's my flag now. What are you gonna do?

Yep. Almost every. damn. fight. my parents had was about my mom being a "bitch" for wanting my dad to have a job/not spend money at the bar/keep his job/pay bills.

A million dillusional girls are going "Justin wouldn't need a prostitute if I was his girlfriend".

I'd second what AcmeIndust said, but I'd add two "buts":

oh, and what part of her "artistic vision" entails applause being used in a kia soul commercial......?

I think they just spew buzzwords at each other. Not even sentences, just words. It's like they were raised in a Skinner box of media and they don't have language in their brains, just images.

Lindy, can I just say that I love that you won't hate on Kanye? I mean, yes, he is a walking ego. But that's what makes everything so good. And yes, he does moan about fashion too much, but he's trying to do more and be more and is butting up against some obstacles because of a "class" issue in fashion, which he's

I don't know about the rape thing. Too new for my blood.

I wish every potential date rapist would wear one. The warning would be helpful.

Okay, I'm going to play devil's advocate here: if this is not okay, why is what Pussy Riot did at that church in Moscow okay? I'm not saying the members of Pussy Riot deserve the jail time they've been forced to serve, or that Rihanna is trying to shine a light on institutionalized inequality, but her stunt is along