And I weep that you do not call this the Marley defense.
And I weep that you do not call this the Marley defense.
If I just let my Id run free, I would be Kanye. Admit it, a whole lot of you would be to.
I'm allergic to this color palette. It's like Goth Dunkin Donuts.
X platform is better than Y platform because X is better at fulfilling my idiosyncratic needs, which I have stupidly generalized as being everyone's needs!
Step #0: Start life "well off", preferably to parents without financial concerns or constrains to begin with.
If you are in a position to follow this advice, it is very likely that you are not having financial difficulties.
"Dogs kill a few dozen people per year. Hell, abortion kills slightly more people annually than falling vending machines, and you don't see politicians waxing centrist about making Sour Cream N Onion Tater Skins 'safe, legal, and rare.'"
I love this idea.
I am firmly in the more gun control camp, and think the NRA is a bunch of right-wing thugnuts; that said, I do have a point to make. I think that the mass murderer with an AK-47 (or an AK-whatever, I don't keep track) is a different animal, so to speak, than the gang-banger in Chicago with a handgun.
Is it just me, or does this shooting feel a little ignored on social media? Like, usually when there's a mass shooting (holy shit, look at what I just typed), my FB feed explodes with people arguing about gun control and a bunch of those "praying for the families" statuses, but like, I haven't seen anything this…
This is going to be quite offensive, but here goes: The only way guns will ever be regulated is if there is some massive drive to arm, train, and certify minorities. You see the legal legwork conservatives will do to keep minorities from voting, let's see what they'll go through to stop them from arming themselves.
"Adults in Steubenville are sick of thinking about how she [the rape victim] feels." And this is why I still don't feel bad for the people of Steubenville. The lack of introspection is staggering.
Destroyed? I'm sorry, did roving bands of angry feminists come through and burn Steubenville to the ground, salting the earth on the way out? Nope! Two boys were put on trial, convicted, and sentenced. Adults were told to take responsibility for their role in what happened. As for Christmas day death threats, that is…
So, just googled it, and apparently he's the "Creative Director" of Diet Coke. Apparently it's a thing? Not entirely sure how that translates to, "You know what this bunch of Victoria-esque-matadors need? A Coca Cola sweatshirt!"
When I was ghosting for a site as a female dom the site got one of these guys to contact the site owner and wanted to know if "Mistress xxx" would insult his penis for a fee.
And you could have saved all that money on wallpaper if you just broke down your brown paper grocery bags and used them instead.
HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T EVEN SEE THAT!!! Why?!?!? Why did you point it out!?? I have to now go watch cat videos for an hour before bed so that I can remove the image from my retinas.
I'm in agreement that women who are perpetrators should be punished as men who are perpetrators should, and that boys who are victims should be given as much empathy as girls who are victims. I don't see any particular action you (or the post author) would like me to take as a result of my agreement, though. I share…
Why am I not surprised that tit based 'activism' is a guy's wet dream? Asshole learned it from the scoldy, misogynist scumfucks of PETA.
They have one. It's fedora shaped, and it sits on your head.