If you burn a ton of calories a day I'd guess you'd need many other sources than fruits and vegetables, but alas, I am not a powerhouse calorie burning machine.

I just eat mostly fruits and vegetables. I don't suppose I come anywhere near 3300 calories/day though. Probably more like 1000. I don't eat much meat, maybe a couple times a week, and I don't eat many grains. I do have a bit of cheese on several meals though.

Indeed. And every breed comes with a warning. What is a mellow breed? Mastiffs and Danes are pretty mellow, maybe the most mellow... but at 100+lbs they better be well trained just the same! I can't think of any dog that is just born mellow and won't be a destructive puppy.

All puppies are terrible dogs. All puppies cost a ton in damage caused. All puppies require a lot of work to grow into good dogs. All dogs require lots of work to stay good dogs. No one should get any kind of puppy or dog unless they are willing to spend a shit load of time working with their dog.

Hmm... fruits and vegetables don't have nutrition labels. Should I still eat them? bahahaha Really though, if the bulk of your caloric intake comes from fruits and vegetables (and it should) I don't see any reason to worry over this stuff.

Yeah, I'm not going to tell other people what they can and can't do in this sort of situation, but I certainly would not want my young child in a fancy restaurant.

Exactly. I've always taken my kid to sit down restaurants (he's 19 months now) and it's ok, but it is harder to eat and enjoy the meal sometimes because it is difficult to get him to focus on his food. And I have to be sure that I am done before him and have the check paid before he is done so we can GTFO the second

Wait... is 4chan being trolled by a third wave feminist, because this is really ridiculous!

How to tip:

She is a couple months older than my boy, he is 18mo and he walks and runs.

It's a thing that people do if one (or both) of those people can't control themselves when they party. I'd bet one of them is a cheater when partying.

She wasn't being devious. She was being a strong, smart, independent woman making her own decision about her healthcare, doing what she had to do to survive.

It's not calibrated for women because the Alien franchise likes to make subtle feminist statements. It is an acknowledgement of how women are screwed out of medical care simply for being women.

I think when it comes to kids it is ok. It wasn't done in a mocking tone, it was done with the intention of learning. It is hard to get kids involved. This is a fun way to teach kids. I think it is ok. As long as, as someone mentioned, that it is explained that this outfit is but one shred of the culture as a whole,

I like him. I think sometimes he is arrogant, but I think he is usually right. And he has a right to be arrogant, he has done well for himself. It would be better if he weren't arrogant, but look back to the message of Niggers in Paris... it is a very valid message. This man has built something huge, and people want

Give him shit work and ride his ass about it. Call him on it when he doesn't perform as he is supposed to.

Get a secured credit card for one thing, and if you know of anyone that you trust and that has good credit you can ask them to add you to one of their credit accounts—the history of that account will become your history... be careful, you only want to associate your name with an account that has good history. This is

Yep. I'm pretty much ok with it. He can do what he wants. Who cares?

And of course I don't completely disagree with you about the dickery of many SUV owners... I've seen it.

I was chastised once by a lil hippie for owning an SUV... and I mean, I care about emissions and the environment too... but... it's a V6 and I'm poor, c'mon! ...Her car probably had a V6. So, I didn't respond to