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    Wait. It's not a song about red wine?

    OMGOMGOMG- I didn't know the new season started! Thanks for nothing, you POS DVR! You we're programmed to record! YOU WERE PROGRAMED!

    15 MINUTES OF HIS STUPID FACE and a dumbass whiteboard?! That was so incredibly lame and NOT AT ALL creative- I have the ragey shakes.

    I'll never forget how "DASH" returned her older dogs to a shelter in a brown box with teeny holes poked on the top for air. She's a grade-A asshole.

    This was an amazing article- I loved it!

    I love you so goddamn much, Kara.

    it's POP. And whatever- the video and song is adorable.

    Glee? More like an urban Nashville. You know, with the whole original songs aspect?

    Your North West post had me laughing so hard I woke up my kids! And Tyga. Tyga? I consider myself up to date in the hip hop world and I still do not know who he is and why he is relevant. Should I find out? Hmmm...

    Jennifer Hudson was a snooze-fest last night, so disappointed.

    Holy Guacamole, that's the best way to start my day.

    I can NOT stop laughing! Preach, baby, preach!

    Shut your mouth hole, Chris. I just barfed reading that sentence.

    You had me until "capitalize." Are you serious?

    Exactly. I just feel so...I don't know. I don't know these people. But, damn. It's horrible. Let them make their own decisions. In no way do I feel any decision they choose is for "publicity." Anyone who thinks that is gross.

    Yep. More, more, more Matt Bomer and tWitch!? Don't care about the plot. I am all over this shit!

    Seriously, I can NOT stop watching this trailer. I mean, DAYUM!

    I know you are a stupid troll, but I'll bite. You are a fucking hideous moron.

    What does RZA have to do with this atrocity?

    Truth time- I AM lonely (I moved to a city where I do not have any real friends). So, thank you, Netflix. I fucking love you.