...had only 106,000 miles on the clock.

If you feel your penis is inadequately sized,  a 7.3L V8 will help you feel better about yourself.  This has been scientifically proven.

“So, these are ‘floorboards’ down here?”

“What advantages does this motorcar have over, say, a rusty 1949 Willys — which I could also afford.”

This should have been published on The Takeout

Unless you’re a pro racer, reducing your time on a track is equally as useful as juggling. But people learn to juggle, shave off seconds on track, make card castles, and drift, because they enjoy it.

I mean, sure, yoyoing is worthless too, and playing video games, and chugging a beer, and _insert worthless activity here_.

Not sure if tree or ice cream cone.

My district sent Erik Paulsen packing, so that was nice. My previous district elected Ilhan Omar. And Jason Lewis got the boot an few miles east. All in all, it was an adequately satisfying evening.

I like how Porsche has morphed the Panamera into a power wagon. The first one was ugly, this is a great evolution of the car.

I don’t know, but it’s in a Mrs. Buttersworth bottle and it burns as it goes down.

And so? This is a grown adult assaulting a child.

My tribe keeps sending our youngsters to college and law school using that good old casino money. More and more of us are going to run for office and become judges. Hopefully one of us will take Kavanaugh’s place.

That argument is also bull. My mum is 72, and has no problem getting in and out of her car.

I’m a fat, out of shape, 50yo and I have no issues getting in and out of a GTI. Who are all these decrepit middle-age duffers? Normal modern cars aren’t exactly low-riders anymore, given a Golf is bigger than a mid-size car from the ‘80s.

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

Put it back together with just the necessary servicing and work on another V8 in the meantime. It won’t be undrivable and the spare V8 will be a much more manageable project than a whole truck sitting in your driveway with 75% of its innards strewn every which way. Those AMC V8s aren’t exactly worth their weight in