Just as if you call your friend an a-hole it means one thing, it means something completely different when you say it to a stranger. Words themselves are neutral. The MEANING we attach to words are not neutral. When a white person uses the N word the intention is different than when a black person uses it. Again, just

Step 1: Find a salvage yard with a Jeep Grand Wagoneer.

Because there are lots of car people who are tribal.

People who aren’t obnoxious youths who won’t bring dangerously modified vehicles, stunt them endangering pedestrians and other drivers, won’t bring copious amounts of drugs, don’t come for a week long party, and will actually patronize local businesses because they aren’t brokes POSes. Do I get a cookie?

You’re going to want to get that checked out.

You seem angry. Hopefully you’ll see a toy like car today with a smile bumper and turn your frown upsidedown.

How much are you paying in taxes?

Commented this below, but idk what it takes to get approval on Kinja, but I just wanted to say that had the procedural motion to move forward on debate failed, McConnell and co. could’ve gone back to the drawing board and come back with a bill and tried to pass it as a budget reconciliation bill with only 51 votes.


CART DRIVER: Bring out your dead!

You either accept the front mid-engine layout or you go old school and deny the theory of the mid-engine layout all together and every car is either front-engined or rear-engined.

I Just looked at your handle, you are 100% that asshole that speeds up every time you’re passed.

But they aren’t in the same line as you. It just happens to be that their line is moving faster because there are less people in it.

Here is how I think of it:

You are going through the bank drive-through and you’ve forgotten your ATM card, forcing you into the teller-attended line.

Now, as you are sitting there, 5

You know, if Congress stopped treating the Postal Service like a piggy bank they can break open anytime they need some money it might not be like that. They could hire actual postal workers to deliver in many areas they have to depend on unreliable contractors (that cause the issues you mentioned). Their volume is

fuel is drawn from the very bottom of the tank all the time, and water is heavier than fuel. So if there is any fuel in the water, it’s the first thing that is sucked up.

Ha, ha. The MLK “I have a dream” reference is priceless.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

i just made pantsmess

To amuse you.

I will enjoy your sojourn through Montana, Utah, and North Dakota.