Janet Snakehole

I just wanted to say, as a Kansas Citian, how much I appreciate everyone’s reception of this season. I talk about my town as much as I can because I genuinely love it here, even tho we’re surrounded (and sometimes besieged) by nightmares. There are so many good people here, people who don’t agree with and are

Plus... I’m sorry, I also approve of getting different sized actors to play lead roles. Is it too much to ask to not have 130lb straight white women playing everyone? Including Asians, fat women, lesbians, trans men... hell I’m sure they’d try black women if that weren’t shamed heavily year after year. I know its

But nobody HAS to wear a fat suit. They can hire a fat actor, who will move more naturally than someone wearing fake poundage.

Just sitting here enjoying you get (deservedly) ratio’d by the regulars. What a singularly uninformed take. Watching you attempt to defend it without any nuance or substance to back up your opinion just makes each round that much richer.

I think people are starting to view women in fat suits in the same way they’re viewing casting for cisgender actors to play trans roles, or “abled” actors playing people with disabilities - it’s more about the idea that there are some people who don’t get represented very often on screen, and it would be great if we

Just wanted to take this moment to say I can’t stand the 2nd episode with the camp counselor. Addiction aside, I was appalled that Karamo claimed the guy worked at the camp in order to “make a better life for his son.” What?!

When Shorty got her teeth fixed, I fucking lost it.  Thinking about how she hid her smile basically her entire life.  Tears. So many tears.  I wish them the best.

I hope they can keep making the sauce because I’m here to tell you guys it’s amazing! I ordered three bottles right after the show. I use BBQ sauce like ketchup, because ketchup is gross, and my supply won’t be around for long.

I think that, because her work is intensely vaginal, it makes you uncomfortable.

Well, if that’s the real reason she was fired then congrats to them. We always complain about a lack of representation and how they could just hire an actor that fits the role instead of pulling stunts like this. Sounds like they did the right thing.

Can’t he just support his friends in private like the rest of us?

It takes a lot for me to trust rumors that a woman is difficult to work with, because it usually just means “not a total doormat.”

I feel like if someone else has said this, it’d be received very differently.

Women don’t like when men tell them to smile or to smile more often.

Wow that was super bitchy. Some people smile less than others. That doesn’t actually mean they they’re unhappier or less communicative.

Or you could go read The Atlantic article and realize that no one has to be “proven guilty” for others to decide not to associate with them.

Hey, assholes! Stop doing the dirty work of the National Enquirer and, by extension, Trump. SHAME ON YOU. 

It died when they started only replying with straw man arguments and blatant lies. When the Republicans stopped listening to proven science, facts, their own research, and started acting as propagandists.
Speaking with liars doesn't get you anything.

I hope this means we’ll never have to hear about Avenatti 2020 ever again.

I adore this movie but my main takeaway from it will always be how much Bill Murray got robbed for Best Actor by Sean Penn’s ridiculous overacting in Mystic River.