Janet Snakehole

It was very professional, she said please when she should have just said fuck off.

Literally the only reply it deserves. A cursory attempt to educate yourself about that word and the power imbalance inherent in the oppressed reclaiming it versus an outsider would help, were you to be arguing in good faith.

Please take this comment back to 1997 where it belongs.

Generally, I tend to believe the guy when it comes to these tales

The world is filled with couples who love/date/marry and are decades apart, and everything is perfectly fine. Domestic violence is not a product of that, it’s a product of abusive asshats being abusive.

As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :

They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to

“I’m always super surprised by people married to predators who don’t seem to realize it. How much interalized misogyny must someone have before they accept some behaviour is beyond the pale.”

She originally filed for divorce in 2006 and accused him of “cruel and inhumane” treatment in the divorce papers. She also said he exhibited “extreme anger and hostility” toward her.

She played one of the main characters in the most popular show of the last decade but whateva.

And who is everyone turning to these days to get shit done?  See 2018 midterm elections.

And yet if you asked white people to forgive the 9/11 hijackers, you'd get a much different response. I use that analogy as a litmus test.

Yup. They know what they’re doing, we know what they’re doing, they are counting on people being too polite or too stupid to call them on what they are doing. Forget. That. Noise. They are attacking Meghan everyday for her unforgivable blackness but can’t breathe a word about Andrew’s unforgivable ephebophilia?

Simple Breakdown: Meghan Markle is Biracial and not Lilly white. Certain members of the press and public hate her for that reason. They hate that she a biracial woman married a Prince 

FUCK YES I would buy Ina Garten’s memoir.  Where the hell do I get on the waiting list?

“Selling Women’s Bodies ..We’re Not Buying It.”

I get that. Honestly, I don’t think they really care about exploitation. It’s about punishing other women for being the “wrong kind of woman”.

Women can buy into toxic masculinity too, dipshit. 


You lost me at “Ansel Elgort”.

I fail to see how length of involvement and being “good dudes” precludes sexual abuse. I hope that your assessment is correct, but virtually all of these almost 8k predators were involved with the Boy Scouts over many, many years and people trusted them.